It’s nice to have an old laptop to try things out. Good luck with the switch!
Yeah, I guess so. The slippery slope is real though.
So we’ll finally see something from Deus Ex Human Revolution before 2027.
Ahh those bugs suck. Though I think you should still be able to delete the duplicates.
Just a heads up, you posted this 5 times here and 3 times on
Jevons didn’t know that autonomous vehicles can work like a hive mind, today it’s possible.
“They don’t collect, it justs stays there.”
Apparently people at beehaw don’t have downvote button, kinda explains this situation. The very same article on is at -56 votes (at least that’s what seems to me).
Hahaha, this article mainly sucks.
No idea ncdu was a thing, looks nice and easier than du.
That’s actually true. We don’t know the real-time server code of Signal. Though other apps cannot read what’s written inside Signal, that’s the good part. I prefer private server + Matrix but Signal is the easiest for regular people.
Yes, the “delivering” part would be E2EE. Do we really know the afterwards if they can read their users’ messages? They probably can.
It’s not. There is no privacy if you send your message to Whatsapp servers.
When deleting a Google account, they warn you about your username won’t be reclaimable. So I assume this will be the same.
Everyone thinks the otherwise but personally I like the name Tutanota and quite proud of being part of it. No one can create a @tutanota account anymore and that makes you a senior user if you have one.
Apparently they already reverted that. I guess people need to write every bullshit Microsoft pulls, at least for the sake of people who still use Windows.
A Philips phone did that and it wasn’t even Android, probably like 15 years ago.
“This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!”
Nice joke my man, nice joke.
I wouldn’t call that offline.