How does that protect against “only you could have logged in because this passkey is only on your phone”?
How does that protect against “only you could have logged in because this passkey is only on your phone”?
Passkeys make plausible deniability more difficult. “This user name isn’t necessarily associated with my real world identity” permits some important good things.
I hope they explain further. Honestly I don’t think the “oh crap I need to know if it’s good or bad right now!” camp is really going to care, but it still feels a little uncomfortable. (As opposed to the “this could be either way, I don’t have enough evidence to decide right now, and I’m ok with holding that uncertainty in my brain until new evidence moves my needle” camp)
Are forked builds possible with third party service references neutered?
Dear God do I hate how true that is. Not sure if intentional or not, but either way I’m with you. And I think they’re working to a plan.
I had a call center job while finishing college, but I’m currently a professional software developer. The difference in coverage is crazy. Dental crowns went from 25% to 75% coverage. My annual maximum out of pocket for healthcare is so low I keep hitting it by accident and wondering why things are suddenly free.
Why? I think it’s a deliberate plan to make life pretty good for like 51% of us, so we won’t vote against the way they absolutely wreck the other 49% of us.
I hope it stops working soon.
Deceased users’ estates still haven’t agreed to the new terms, have they?
Looking closer at the image, I’m going with “in this house we use single sideband.” (But, as a Plex user, I love yours too.)
Clearly my comment annoyed you. What should I have done differently? Apart from switching away from Windows, what plan or idea should I have attempted to rally support for?
Ok that tears it. What firewall rules do I need to set so I get security updates and absolutely nothing else?
RIP to a fellow OpenVMS hobbyist.
$ SET PROC /PRIV=ALL $ REPLY /ENABLE=AFTERLIFE %OPCOM-F-VALUERR, error occurred while processing the command term “AFTERLIFE” -LIB-F-UNRKEY, “AFTERLIFE” is an unrecognized keyword $
Oh well, worth a try.
Are you sure? TOTP secrets can be exported. I think passkey implementations explicitly prevent that. Unless I’m missing an option to export passkey creds, e.g. print them out.
That same disaster recovery feature (which I need) also helps avoid a future where every forum and avenue of dissent requires dis-repudiation via passkeys. It’s a weird nuance, ascribing a social effect to a simple ability to back up your keys without backing up your whole phone.