so many of these characters were so formative for me figuring things out as a kid, it was comforting to see someone else that I felt reflected in, being able to say like “oh hey that’s how I feel”
oof yeah I’ve been there, last time I was using a GTX Titan X and it was not a fan
so far literally everything has been better for me. I upgraded my system to all AMD a while ago with the intent of eventually making the jump and it’s been super seamless. all the games I want work way better than they ever did on windows, even weird little windows indie games through lutris run better than native windows. I also put pop on my old MacBook and really breathed some new life into that thing. I think I have firmly drank Kool aid lol
it was a big reason I finally made the full switch
oh my god a new generation is making different slang and memes? should we kill them???
I’m kicking myself because I wanna switch to Linux but I just bought a used Nvidia card
the fuck is going on in Mississippi lol
you should learn the difference between socialism and authoritarian capitalism which is what the eastern bloc actually was
I don’t know where you live but lamb, venison, a lot of fish, and seafood in general is not affordable in many parts of the US at least. Beef, chicken and pork are the big three basically at least in my experience
you are aware animals eat animals right
capitalism does not beget a wide range of meat for the average household. people eat “the same 3 dead animals” because it’s what’s affordable and even that’s becoming less and less true
if they’d collapse without it then good riddance
ive been way more active on the Tumble since reddit announced the API shit
god dang it Bobby what the heck is a simp
yeah that’s what people complain about on windows sure