I want to see the full phylogenetic tree including the pepe and wojak genera
Yep. One Pace basically just uses the manga for the storyboards without the extra bloat (though some exclusive anime segments got kept if they added to the experience), and the whole thing ends up being 40% shorter overall - and more importantly, it’s more dynamic and exciting to watch.
They have a website at onepace.net. Their actual site is not working currently, but at least it redirects to their Discord server where you can get the streaming and magnet links you are searching for!
If you do watch the anime version, check out the One Pace project, a fan-edit that removes all of the filler and stalling in the animation - it is the definitive way to watch!
Installing uBlock is so quick, all you need is 30 seconds of their consent to lean over their shoulder and install it. The whole process can be faster than the actual ad break, in some cases.
The f in of is pronounced with a v sound so it’s a little sneaky I guess
Well, then it can run DOOM. I’m sold.
Less-corporate, creator-owned networks like Nebula and Dropout might be a potential route to a more sustainable and less centralized online video ecosystem.
This is a pretty bitter and antisocial meme. God forbid that people enjoy a normal social life and live in a community where they have the opportunity to encounter people they care about and connect with them. Do you really prefer an impersonal and anonymous public life?
Except that time they unironically drop the f-slur… 🙊 but their hearts are clearly in the right place.
Thanks for sharing this post! Doctorow has a lot of useful things to say about the current moment we find ourselves in with the Fediverse.
Not a pipe either 🤔