• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 10th, 2024


  • What about the anti lgbt stuff? Thoughts…?

    It is important to remember that turning down a pull request does not make a person (or project) anti-LGBT.

    Sadly, I have seen bullying and brigading from people who claim to be supporting inclusiveness, more than a few times. That behavior alone would be enough to sour me on them personally, and on any change they had submitted.

    And, of course, there are other perfectly valid reasons to decline a PR as well.

    Asking for changes we would like to see is fine. Demanding them is not. Resorting to character assassination when we don’t get what we want is absolutely not.

  • Sony used to make compact variants of their flagship Xperia phones. Good specs. Good battery life. Good camera. Good display. Good sound. Good reception. Headphone jack. SD card slot. Unlockable bootloader, so they could be de-googled.

    Sadly, the “compact” models grew slightly larger with each model year, and even a not-so-compact one hasn’t been released in a while.

  • You’re right, I’m not really sure if I understand what the article is about. And how it translates to the title and us, the people.

    Unfortunately, the headline is misleading. It’s possible that the author chose it because gathering an audience by criticising “tech” is easy. It’s also possible that she misunderstands the root of the issues she discusses. shrug

    The only way I know of to solve the problem is to reclaim our governments, and reform them. Historically, that has been done through democracy and through revolution. The former approach is getting harder, and the way things are going, might disappear if we let them go unchecked for too long.

  • Did you read the article? It’s not really about spyware in the devices we “own”. That’s just a minor detail.

    The problem being discussed comes from governments, laws, and capitalist motives being allowed to systematically exploit people who can easily be exploited. This takes place mostly outside of our devices, so although putting safer software on our devices is absolutely worthwhile, doing so cannot fix this problem.

  • I am not suggesting specific changes to your canary document. I am (a) explaining someone else’s question that you said you didn’t understand, and (b) pointing out that you might find better response if you clearly and briefly explained at the top of your post why you are posting it here.

    To underscore (b): This community is not typically used as a vault for warrant canaries. An argument could be made that they don’t belong here. I don’t feel strongly about it so long as they don’t become a common source of noise, but if you can’t find a better place for them, I think the least you could do is say in one or two sentences why you’re posting one. Without requiring eighteen thousand subscribers (and uncounted additional readers) to sift through off-site links, or make sense of a single field in a wall of monspaced copypasta that has no obvious meaning to the majority of readers.

  • I think you’ve misunderstood my comment.

    Warrant canaries are most noteworthy when they’re not published.

    Something cannot be a warrant canary at all unless it is published. Did you mean to say it is most noteworthy when it has been published at least once, and then stopped being published? That would be an example of what I meant by a “change” in my comment.

    Back to the original point: You said you don’t understand monk’s first question, so I tried to explain it to you: It was asking whether some change has taken place; some cause for alarm. A change in the document, or its removal, or a failure to update it.

    The only way to know that it’s not published is to – publish it. Widely. And routinely.

    Indeed. As I said in the last paragraph of my earlier comment.

    Edit: In the future, if you’re going to post canaries to general forums like this one, you might want to include a short explanation for community members who aren’t familiar with warrant canaries, or who wonder why you’re posting one here of all places. You didn’t provide any context. I understand the value of posting it, but to most people, your post can easily be seen as irrelevant noise polluting their news feeds.