I think this impossible with federation. It looks like it’s still under for me.
I think this impossible with federation. It looks like it’s still under for me.
…by creating female/nonbinary loneliness instead
To me it feels weird if there’s just one punctuation mark like this !
But normal if there are two like this !!
Like there should be a space only for even numbers. Don’t ask me why.
The only way to make this remotely safe would be harnessing to the ceiling. Although that could still be bad if it tips over and catches your foot…
Ah yes, let me add some Microsoft spyware to my Google spyware
You’re going to die on the hill that music is objective, and the Beatles are objectively bad? Interesting…
I’m curious what bands you consider “objectively good”
Well I guess music is inherently subjective, but they have definitely written many good songs.
Because they’re good! Excellent songwriting that stands the test of time.
That song is literally nonsense meant to confuse people who overanalyze their songs. It’s not meant to be ‘deep’ haha.
You don’t have to like them, but there’s a reason why I and so many others think they’re fantastic.
Airplane food isn’t always bad, is just so dry in the cabin that you can barely taste anything, and bread goes stale instantly.
Well also I think this body type is and has always been attractive to the vast majority of people. Beauty standard are not very attainable (like you said, it’s a status thing), but they aren’t even what most people actually like.
This is actually a really interesting question. A modern LLM probably couldn’t do it, but I wonder if something like Alphazero could?
My guess is that no current AI is capable, as it requires abstract reasoning and precise movement. But maybe in the next 5 years.
Why is this a bad things? It’s just a meme. It’s not like they were going to hire an artist for this.
the image thumbnail for me says ‘ngl trans’