Oh, of course, it’s just their tools have gotten much better. You could have said what you just did about the internet too, and it’d also be correct, but it definitely had a big impact.
Oh, of course, it’s just their tools have gotten much better. You could have said what you just did about the internet too, and it’d also be correct, but it definitely had a big impact.
Fair, I should have said “for a bad actor”, of which I am not. I haven’t experience with the tools they’d use.
No, they’re saying it would be really easy now to create a fake image that would have in the past had that level of impact.
That’s not at all the argument I’m making. My argument is that English’s inconsistency is, at this point, the reason it is successful. By integrating everything into it, it has become a good enough medium of communication for almost everything. That would not have been possible unless the language eschewed consistency.
Really, a better argument against changing the spelling is the classic “standards” xkcd, where now you’re just making another dialect of English where they spell words differently again, and now it needs to be adopted, fracturing the language further. Honestly, though? It doesn’t matter. Fix the spelling if you want. English can take the fracturing. The changes might take, they might not, but I doubt it’ll make the language more consistent overall, for every fix you put in, you’ll have someone who disagrees and doesn’t put it in, making your dialect more consistent, but the language overall less so, but it doesn’t matter. English will continue to be inconsistent, and that’s okay, that’s why it works.
The fool’s errand is trying to make the language consistent, when it never has been, especially trying to do it via spelling. English isn’t consistent. It’s not supposed to be. It takes pieces from every other language and integrates them into English whether it makes sense to or not, leading to inconsistency. That inconsistency, I think, is by design. It makes the language more versatile than any other, a “good enough” medium of communication for everything, but usually not the best, which for communication, tends to be fine.
To the spelling point: The world, for the most part, has moved away from the grammarian tradition of the 19th and 20th century of having a handful of dictionary makers decide what English is proper and what isn’t - the language evolves on its own, and if a misspelling becomes popular enough, it becomes a proper spelling. For example, facade is a french word, spelled façade, the accent under the C means it’s pronounced like an S. We dropped it in English because we don’t use accents in English, and now we spell it facade. It’s a “misspelling”, but you’ve probably never spelled it correctly. The language was never consistent to begin with, pretending you can fix spelling to make it so is a fool’s errand.
I’m talking about the low-effort market segment that flavored juul pods, for instance, used to take up. Now, it’s flavored dispos, making your own juice, or juul-type vapes with only menthol and tobacco flavors.
In the US, replaceable pods can only be tobacco or menthol flavored, disposables can be any flavor. Yes, it is as stupid as it sounds.
I think that is a useless mental model. It doesn’t help you make decisions except those that lead to revolution. The person you’re replying to is trying to point that out. If I want to buy a phone, which should I buy? Your rhetoric says “whichever one will lead to revolution”, which really isn’t helpful.
And LMG was supposed to do what about that? I get they’ve been shitty recently, but how can you blame them for the actions of their fans? They didn’t tell their fans to do any of that stuff, they’ve told their fans to not do it on the past multiple times, what should they have done?
Given the short distance it goes and the fact that it has human drivers currently…I’m doubtful it’s going to scale at all. In its current iteration, a small train would have been better in just about every way. I wouldn’t praise it for what it will be, praise it for what it is, because Elon Musk loves to promise the moon and stars and not deliver on those promises.
What is the capacity of the Vegas loop as compared to, say, an extra small subway or even an aboveground streetcar?
Lots of states made flavored reusable vapes illegal, but flavored disposables are legal. Yes, it is as stupid as it sounds.