Ghost in the Shell has convinced me that even if they become available in my lifetime, it’s probably best to stay away.
If 5 nuggets are a serving, why does a 10-piece combo come with one serving of fries and one drink?
It’s hard to convince people that they’ve been had by a bunch of morons.
It’s all crap targeted at children that came out when you were already well into your teens.
Mine aren’t as bad as those in the picture, but at -7 wearing glasses I can see perfectly. There’s just slight distortion at the sides that’s not really noticeable unless I’m moving my head to the side.
The middle looks normal, but the edges curve, kind of like a fisheye lens on a camera. If you look straight ahead, everything looks normal until you start to turn your head, then everything sort of squeezes into focus as you shift your field of vision.
The cheese doesn’t make sense. You can’t turn it back into milk.
I believe the fancy “DEI term” is the N word, unfortunately.
Privatize the weather!
If it was MY knob, it’d be polished on a daily basis.
Usually they just give me their number, or sometimes they just don’t. I’ve never had to jump through hoops of fire, or tame a grizzly bear, or develop a new mathematical theorem to prove I’m worth a shot. “Can I have your number?” should just be a yes or no question.
Does that happen regularly to you? Because that’s not normal.
Over time, as CPUs get better integrated graphics, it might be worth it. Essentially, if you’re fine with playing last-gen games at ok framerates and you don’t need maxed-out graphics, a mini PC is an option. If you want to play recent AAA blockbusters at 100fps, obviously it’s a big no. But the next generation might get you close to those results on current-gen games.
Or El Duderino, if they’re not into the whole brevity thing.
Everyone gets to have their preference. What’s not ok is MS trying to force it on people who don’t want it.
Peace was never an option.