What’s the difference between Nationalism and Patriotism?
What’s the difference between Nationalism and Patriotism?
No because they put in all the liquids bigger than 100ml. They could be explosives…
Why is the plural the same as singular that does make no sense
Ok that sounds neat thx
How does it compare to DuckDuckGo?
macOS is the superior os
Probably hard to eat but it looks really delicious
I am not a native english man is that not how you say that’s some good pasta?
Lol is that the guy from league of legends?
Is this normal behavior? I have that too but I just assumed I am shy or weird.
196 never lets me down with your posts. You guys rock!
Still better than actual British cuisine
Yeah riiight like I believe you
Microsofts shenanigans with forcing you to use their browser is just ridiculous. They do allow you to switch to another browser but make it as annoying as possible and they constantly try to annoy you into switching again. I mean they own the whole os. They could literally just force you to use the browser and I bet nobody would care for like more than a month because windows is like the only feasible choice as an operating system for a lot of people.
I don’t see it D:
I am not from the US, why isn’t it safe? Doesn’t it have a safety where you can turn the gun off?