Four Cops
The Ink Snots
Four Cops
The Ink Snots
Seoul National University on green street sign says Korean.
Oh wow, I didn’t know he was your father!
Surely you meant sweet potato pie! Apples don’t really grow down here.
But yeah, the southern heritage one should want to claim ought to be more about shrimp and grits and less about confederates and slavers. Those traitors are history, but no decent person would claim that hateful shit as their damn heritage. Unfortunately, we ain’t about to run outta folks lacking decency anytime soon.
Netanyahu has done more to support terrorism than anyone on any lemmy.
Genocide supporter says what?
Of course the problem is deeper than “Russia bad”. Which is probably why, before this comment of mine, literally no other commenter mentioned “Russia bad”.
Well, I guess now there’s two of us.
Yeah, it’s Rush.