This type of control is known in industry as “bang-bang control.” Among other factors, it doesn’t help that the delay time between twirling the control and feeling the temperature change is often tens of seconds.
This type of control is known in industry as “bang-bang control.” Among other factors, it doesn’t help that the delay time between twirling the control and feeling the temperature change is often tens of seconds.
Beer (and wine) has to be really sweet at the start of the fermenting process, because that sugar is what feeds the yeast. If you don’t add any hops, then the resulting beverage tends to be malty sweet and very one dimensional. The hops cut down and balance the sweetness.
A real wealth tax could be devastatingly effective at reducing wealth disparity. It just takes some patience to let the exponential compounding effect kick in. Way, way less blood and lower potential for counter revolution.
I wonder if some of that was admins in NL somewhat inexperienced with commonwealth-style legal systems.
He can’t quite get that arm up real good, can he.
This, coming from someone who just wants everyone to check their own filesystems.
I’ve been to the official museum in the old bottling plant in Waco, and no, there never was a real doctor.
It’s actually because the thing that makes you make those faces is the acceleration, not the speed.
All three reference frames shown are accelerated, non inertial frames. But the first two have “fictitious” centrifugal accelerations somewhere around 0.5-2.5 g. The third frame has a detectable centrifugal acceleration, but it’s like 0.003 g or something, and can be lumped in with gravity for many types of problems.
DLR trains do, and several airport trains.
Some London Underground lines have drivers that only intervene in the automatic operation of the train in an emergency or abnormal condition.
Those people are almost as bad as the junior devs that are very confidently incorrect.
You forgot the “… Or I’ll break your kneecaps.”
Wait. Did you really mean “decreasing” rather than “desecrating”? Because that’s hilarious.
Most games I’ve seen, nobody ever horse trades for color groups.
Complex deals and negotiations, land swaps, leveraged buyouts, and free rent passes, are all supposed to be part of the game. Getting a color group solely by landing on the spaces first and buying them for list price is indeed rare, by design.
This leads to my other pet peeve… You’re not supposed to have enough money to go around the board the first time and buy every space you land on at the list price. You’re supposed to be forced to make strategic decisions from the beginning of the game about what you go for, and what you bid in the auctions.
Most of the made up “house rules” are really about circulating more money into the game than is supposed to be there.
You should also know that because of jail and various other teleports, the orange group is the most popular group on the board. It’s something like 1.8 times the average to land on those spaces, because two of them are 6 and 8 spaces from jail. Jail is a very popular space because Go To Jail also counts as Jail.
Boardwalk has very high rents, but it’s also pretty unpopular to land on.
The worst rent-to-popularity values are yellow and green.
the sacred chickens do not approve.
Are these hippo sprint speeds, or real proper endurance speeds?
They said England is no more, but that red X is also deleting Wales and Northern Ireland.
There’s a technique called “heel-toe” shifting which involves using different parts of the right foot to operate the brake and throttle at the same time, while the left foot works the clutch.
These Vital Farms eggs come with an insert with a QR code that allegedly shows you pictures of the specific farm your eggs came from. I’ve never bothered to look it up though.