Mr. Tonegawa: Middle Management Blues and Splatoon 3
It’s just Grizzco
Pleroma: @missingno
Twitch: missingno_fgc
Youtube: missingno_fgc
Steam: megamissingno
Cohost: missingno-fgc
Mr. Tonegawa: Middle Management Blues and Splatoon 3
It’s just Grizzco
Those flashy animated reactions are just incredibly annoying. Wish I could disable them, but of course Discord would never allow you to turn off the monetization.
Simon Tatham’s Puzzles, particularly Net on a very large board with wrapping.
I also like good ol’ Stepmania (or the more recent ITGmania fork), but I’m pretty bad at it.
Phonograph - Music player
Newpipe - Youtube frontend
Husky - Pleroma client
KDE Connect - Desktop connectivity
Tachiyomi - Manga reader
Simon Tatham’s Puzzles - Pen and paper-style logic puzzle collection
I’m not gone yet and I don’t know if I actually will be. No matter how frustrated I am with the platform and have been for years now, I don’t feel that anything else is ready to replace it.
I wish Lemmy the best but I have my doubts as to how well it’ll take off. I remember when Digg died, Reddit was already popular enough to make jumping ship a no brainer for just about everyone. Lemmy is not there yet, and I don’t know if it ever will be. It’s much smaller than Mastodon/Fediverse, and that’s been very slow to pull users away from the even more hated platform it wants to challenge. Can Lemmy achieve the critical mass it needs to succeed?
What’s mainly keeping me on Reddit is certain small subs for niche hobbies. Only on the largest platforms is it possible to find people who share my microinterests. Reddit and Discord are it, and Discord really only works as an ephemeral chatroom, it’s terrible for news or threaded discussion. Not to mention how much of a problem it is that Discord isn’t indexed by search engines.
Heartbreaking: Worst Person You Know Ultimately Did the Right Thing