Oops, sorry sorry. Meant to add an /s. Corrected.
Oops, sorry sorry. Meant to add an /s. Corrected.
Then there’d be gift tax and the government wants their cut.
Because there’s plenty of used monitors to be had out there that have DVI on them in some capacity for very reasonable prices.
For instance I just purchased 4 x 24inch Samsung monitors for $15 USD each.
You had 30Hz when I read your comment. Which is why I said what I said. Still, there’s a lot of benefit for having a higher refresh rate. As far as user comfort goes.
I think you are speaking on some very different use cases than most people.
Why are you using VGA when DVI-D exists? Or Displayport for that matter.
Their original name was ‘Gary Busey Amber Alert’. So, maybe?
I’ve been searching articles and I can’t find anything about why they chose that name.
EDIT: See, I knew if I made a post about it, I would immediately find the answer.
“Their name is an obvious reference to Altered Beast (1988). Michael Alvarez would later go on to use “Rise From Your Grave” as a song title in Flub.”
For the first bit, you’d want Clownc0re.
Second bit, yes, top right of the right-most side.
Extra butt.