Yes, thank you, your advice was good so I thought I would take a crack at it.
Yes, thank you, your advice was good so I thought I would take a crack at it.
Santa is a die hard capitalist, just like his best friend: Supply-side Jesus!
I don’t understand what you mean. Please explain.
From what I hear, people who modify their vehicle by lifting it higher with bigger wheels are suppose to recalibrate their headlights (point the headlights toward the ground).
Other people have longer explanations which are great. I just wanted to point out Romani people are not Romanian even though many Romani people have settled in Romania. It’s just a coincidence.
I’m glad you posted it, it was funny. I couldn’t come up with something like this either.
Skibidi doesn’t have a universal meaning as a slang word. It gets tossed around differently depending on the group of friends using it.
This is adorable. Did you make this?
It’s just the “Nine” in nineteenth (a word that only has long vowels) replaced with June. June 19th turned into a single word. It specifically celebrates the day slavery was abolished in Texas.
I never heard this term before do I looked it up. I can see why you would use it on people who actively seek communist content and then complain about said communist content.
Interestingly, I found this on the Wikipedia page for McCarthyism:
President Harry S. Truman’s Executive Order 9835 of March 21, 1947, required that all federal civil-service employees be screened for “loyalty”. The order said that one basis for determining disloyalty would be a finding of “membership in, affiliation with or sympathetic association” with any organization determined by the attorney general to be “totalitarian, fascist, communist or subversive” or advocating or approving the forceful denial of constitutional rights to other persons or seeking “to alter the form of Government of the United States by unconstitutional means”.[13]
Peanut butter and bananas.
I see more complaining about communism than communism itself. Do you reply to users from Lemmygrad or something?
Edit: Self-fullfulling prophecy in action. No wonder why I never saw it before. 😂
I don’t know anything about Swift except for memes. I do remember someone off reddit once saying something along the lines of (Yeah just some unverifiable reddit heresay):
They [implying white supremacists] are just made she doesn’t want to be their blue eyed goddess spokesperson
We thought she was dropping hits. Really she was dropping hints.
Their Taylor Swift jokes aren’t even funny. Always about the amount of exes she has. Maybe I’ll attempt at a joke:
So when Swift becomes president in 2024, will each of her exes get their own room in the White House?
Wait… opps.
No one expects to be the owner of a rented car. That why people ask “are you the home owner or a renter?”