agitprop gonna agitprop ¯\(ツ)/¯ being propaganda doesn’t inherently make something bad, it’s what the propaganda is in service of. This propaganda is in service of leading America away from its fascistic, ecologically and socially destructive, global hegemony. I tend to think that’s pretty good but opinions may differ.
And yes sorry I got mixed up and thought you were replying to this comment. But in a way I did tell you to work outside of the system.
And here is a media network that has deep ties with the party and frequently features party activists.
I’m doing exactly what I told you to do.
I am getting organized with a revolutionary party, doing outreach and education in my community, forming coalitions, marching in protests and chanting at rallies. I’m doing what exactly was done to win civil rights reform, women’s suffrage, the new deal, etc. etc. etc, and I’m doing so with a party that is prepared to lead the country should they ever get the chance to do so.
Lmao. “anchor” is a funny term to use when you’re the one too busy wallowing in your own sorrow to get out on the streets and fight for a better tomorrow.
Either fucking do something or live with it.
Yes, yes, you’ve chosen the latter, I’ve chosen the former and I’m giving you a kick in the ass to do the same. That is the premise of this conversation.
I don’t know what tomorrow will look like, but I do know one thing; a revolution sure as hell isn’t going to happen with such a defeatist attitude. If I’m going down, I’m going down fighting to the bitter end. I am not content to sit around and watch the world burn as I twist myself in knots trying to absolve my own personal guilt for being part of the problem.
Edit: I thought this was a different thread but I’m leaving it as is cause it fucking goes for you too.
We need to figure out a way to change that.
Brother, Americans have been trying to change that since the beginning of America itself. At a point you have to accept that the system is not willing to change and needs to go altogether. It is explicitly designed to give all the power to the wealthy and to make the masses forget how much they achieve when they work outside of it.
I mean the US is so scared shitless of socialist propaganda, or rather the political upheaval and loss of global dominance by capital that it would lead to, that it has literally bombed and invaded entire countries of civilians over it. Unless a country has any ability to fight back; in which case we do anything in our power to undermine that country’s political process by devastating it economically, conducting covert CIA operations, and funding fundamentalist religious groups.
I think China learned a lesson at some point and, in all fairness, it probably wouldn’t have been allowed to develop to this point if it was more welcoming of exchange with western media. (Well, that, and the fact they’ve funded their socialist project by providing cheap goods for western capitalists to increase their profit margins with)
If we don’t even trust China to define China’s truths, why should we trust America to do so? You’ve seen how much misinformation has damaged our political process. If the Chinese people are happy with their government, and data says over 90% of them are, who are we to say what is right for their country? If in fact they don’t trust their government, it should be left up to them to decide what to do with it and when. Just as we wouldn’t like it very much if China dictated to us what is right and wrong, even if it were to lift millions out of poverty like it did for the Chinese people.
America manipulates media too, arguably to a much greater extent. However, it’s more of a firehose method. Western media is fully allowed to lie, sensationalize, and manipulate truths with no other recourse than an “invisible hand” of a “free market” that is fully willing to gobble up misinformation and spit it back out between each other. For every keyword that is censored on its way from America to China, there’s a billion dollars waiting for any media outlet willing to propagate the capitalist narrative. Non- or anti-capitalist media does not have similar funding, for the very fact that those who are so invested in capitalism are not going to throw their money at outlets which undermine their profits. It’s also not like America doesn’t straight up censor things when it can do so covertly. At least China’s censorship is out in the open.
This is a whataboutism, to be sure, but look at the whole picture. It’s all the more reason for China to weed out information from the West that is regularly and systemically manipulated, in the ways I’ve just described, to undermine them.
It’s exactly the same situation as Israel carpet bombing all of Palestine and continuing to receive billions of dollars in support, only for the resistance fighters to be called terrorists, caged, and starved when they fire back a few rockets. It’s simply not comparable and the hypocrisy is stark.
There’s also the small matter of their language, the friction of which was highlighted when western journalists were quick to cry censorship because nothing came up when they searched “xi jinping” and “tianenmen” on red note. Of course, this was because it’s spelled 習近平 and 天安门 in China. This language barrier makes Chinese media very inaccessible to westerners, and vice versa, which isn’t really China’s problem as the Chinese language already gives them access to all 1.4 billion people they are responsible for. Like red note has been accessible all this time, it’s only now becoming popular in the West as a fuck you to the government for banning tik tok.
(Sorry this got to be so long, there’s a lot of background to cover here that tends to be obscure to the average American. I’m only just able to articulate it myself as I don’t tend to write things I can’t back up with evidence or reasoning. Happy to expand on anything I’ve glossed over for the sake of brevity.)
Defeating socialism by being plain old anti-social. lol.
I admit it took me way longer than it should have to realize you are trolling. My bad.
Not really sure what you’re arguing or if you even read my entire comment lmao this is a waste of time
I have news for you. The most notorious conservatives in the last few decades (Reagan, Thatcher, Trump, to name the most significant) are all neoliberals.
Economic liberalization, according to Wikipedia, is the lessening of government regulations and restrictions in an economy in exchange for greater participation by private entities. Policies in service of this include privatization, deregulation, depoliticisation, consumer choice (“the invisible hand of the free market”), globalization (economic imperialism), free trade, monetarism, austerity, and reductions in government spending. These policies are designed to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society.
You might not realize it, but this encompasses the entirety of your US political options. For example, when Democrats say they want to make housing more affordable; they don’t mean they want a government-driven effort to build housing, control rent prices, or win any ground back from corporate landlords. They mean they want to supply tax incentives to big business and “cut red tape” by deregulating the housing industry. They talk about it differently, but at the end of the day they want and work towards the same things as Republicans, if not in a slightly less obviously fascist way.
Liberalism overall is a conservative ideology. The way american media uses these terms is completely disconnected from reality. They don’t want you to understand that who you’re cheering for does not represent you or further your views. They don’t want you to understand what leftism is, they just want you to be afraid of it. They want you to pick a flavor of conservative and think you made progress for the social good.
Nobody said it would be easy or fair, only that it would be necessary for an audience that is predisposed to oppose you to be charitable and hear what you are saying.
The problem with this is the capitalists have a way of revoking rights when the working class has its back turned, and the privilege of making unlimited propaganda to make sure those backs stay turned and either complacent or focused on other things. The only way to prevent this is for the wealthy to answer to the people rather than the other way around, which means the working class must control the means of production. This is the capitalists’ lever of control as a class.
By making sure that society cannot produce anything without them, they get to control our material conditions, who lives or dies, what gets produced and how it gets produced, with no real regard for the people’s needs besides what coincidentally creates more capital for them. And they can direct this all in the particular way which convinces us that this is the natural order of things and we should actually be thanking them for the breadcrumbs they leave us when all is said and done.
Realistically, you cannot have one without the other. Anything else is leaving the door open to the capitalists to pull things back in their direction using their vast accumulation of wealth, which under capitalism directly translates to influence and power.
I have only been talking about what voters should have done.
This election should have taught you that you can’t control voters beyond giving them a reason to vote for you. Not being the other guy is not a good enough reason.
Third parties are electable when they can do this better than the two major parties, and people stop buying into the propaganda you are spreading. They are legitimized when you vote for them. They are a threat to the major parties that can only be realized if you vote for them.
Except, not you, because you’re not an American voter, so why are you here again?
Sorry, mate, but don’t assume. I’m not american, I’m kiwi.
They’re not even a citizen, they’re just here to spread anti-democratic voting propaganda from other fucking side of the ocean where they don’t have to deal with the effects or care about any actual causes.
Your rights are protected
Like how Roe V. Wade was protected when Biden got into office? Like our right to protest the atrocities which our taxes are paying for in Gaza?
they’d find some clever way of putting it all in some kind of “company trust” or something, so they don’t have it as an individual.
That’s fine, as long as there’s legal stipulations as to how that money can be spent, similar to campaign finance laws. That kind of money should go back into the company to the benefit of both the workers (via continued employment and fair compensation) and the consumers that support the company (via the quality of the company’s product). It should not go to any individual executive to pocket and walk away with.
…cool? So glad you have an opinion about the 1956 Hungarian revolution and whether the Soviets sending in tanks to crush it was a reasonable reaction… not sure how that qualifies your opinion though.