Aggressive dialogs begging for my email = close tab. I don’t care what your excuse is.
Also, 404 (Not Found) is the dumbest name for any site ever, so I’m just as glad to see it go away.
See also @mdhughes@appdot.net
Aggressive dialogs begging for my email = close tab. I don’t care what your excuse is.
Also, 404 (Not Found) is the dumbest name for any site ever, so I’m just as glad to see it go away.
If you actually understand the programming language, libraries, problem, and think about your solution first, you can code just fine in ed, the standard text editor. Sometimes I do, I’m the third real programmer
In practice, I mostly code in Vim, which launches instantly, is completely customizable, and I can type and edit faster than in anything else. IDEs are excruciatingly slow, with all the highlighting and analysis stuff on, waiting for code completion instead of just typing it out because you know things.
You don’t need any of that.
There’s also the issue that VSCode is spyware created by Microsoft, and both things should send you running away.
Apple Reminders, which I now keep in a widget on my phone & iPad home screens. This is mainly for repeating items, like shopping, since I can turn on “show completed” and then uncheck them to put back on the list.
Or paper notebook, which I normally have in my pocket. This is for more serious things where I need to write some procedure or notes.
Used to use Things, which is great, but it’s overkill for my current needs.
No, you can just download Xcode free from the Mac App Store, or off developer.apple.com. Only the App Store needs the fee.
You clearly didn’t spend any effort trying it, learning how it works, or reading the license. It is literally a browser, just not named Safari and using your saved preferences, which is a good thing when you’re developing. Not that you can.
I award you zero points.
Safari is a very thin set of changes to WebKit, you can just run & build WebKit nightlies, which I do for web dev, so I don’t screw up my main browser. You have zero idea what you’re talking about, you just read a wiki page.
Macs let you run anything you want, obviously. iOS does, too, as long as you’re a developer sideloading. People who can’t hit compile shouldn’t be allowed to run random shit on their phones which are 2FA etc. keys.
Safari is open source. Also: opensource.apple.com
I have zero interest in a chrom* fork.
Seems reasonable to me. I’m in the upper end of that range, center GenX (yes I know you don’t remember us). I vary between wanting it to be 1970-2000. 1990 was nice, good industrial music, many of the old blues musicians were still alive & playing, computers were still fun, BBS’s, the early non-shitty Internet, pagers and car phones if you wanted to be reachable that much, but you could just NOT be. Go out for cigarettes and never come back.
Anyone who thinks this panopticon hellscape we live in is better, is nuts.
The UI’s a little janky, search doesn’t always produce clickable links (mostly federated subs).
Finding subs relies on lemmyverse, when it should be integrated into the sites.
Similar subs should federate together, not be siloed. More USENET, less phpbb.
Kbin has a strange division of threads and “magazines”, which means clicking thru multiple places to read anything, Lemmy & Beehaw seem simpler.
I was on USENET from '89-2005-ish, on various Unix versions. I used trn until strn came out; it has an amazingly useful threaded display, where you can move around posts on a big branching thread to follow replies. strn added scoring, so a file full of rules would up and downvote things (privately) so I’d only see the good stuff up top, and never see a lot of obvious garbage.
There were less capable clients for Windows & such, but if you had the choice you used a text-mode Unix client.
September That Never Ended wasn’t great, AOLers were really terrible, but now the entire Internet is AOL-quality, so I doubt it’ll make much difference.
“She”. The gag of SwiftOnSecurity is it’s Taylor Swift, posting infosec. Tho these days she mostly trolls like this.