Overrated. The real perk is learning how to not eat it all at once
Overrated. The real perk is learning how to not eat it all at once
I definitely do! But you go on believing what you need to believe babe.
Ya I think that’s a common sentiment when looking at the out-group but I don’t think it says all that much about me.
Huh? What’s a self referential comment?
I feel like you are all trying to make me upset and it’s just not going to happen. I think too little of you.
I do love ma burgers. You like… what? Grass? Maybe starving if the mood is right?
Not american but I get the memo that you think everyone who disagrees with you is a specific brand of person.
Bunch of qtard lookalikes to me.
Not American but ok.
Lol ok. Keep wasting your time inside your echo chamber.
It’s defeded from a few of the larger instances but I prefer being on an instance who doesn’t defed, that way I can block communities as I like.
You guys are troubled. Have a look in the mirror one day.
Yep this’ll do. Y’all are tankies and I see why this instance is defeded.
Nothing wrong with simple recipes!
I think this would just nurture that particular type of anxiety.
Some damning stuff in that report.
This is the one I’m thinking of. Love the concept. Potential challenge is that in Canada things, in particular, shipping is expensive. I’m pretty broke right now so my inclination is to save money over the long run and not be wasteful.
I’m not a phone person though. Useful device but not something that takes up much of my day to day time.
I think Ziltoid was doing a jeopardy, but it was nice to answer the question either way.
Not yet but one day. If I could get a phone and keep it for 20 years (with repairs/upgraded parts) then I’d switch.
If apple removes the plug then i’ll start considering the other options when my current phone becomes unusable. Until then it’s too easy to buy an old iphone and hold onto it for 6 years.
I have nothing really to say except that I like this. In my head cannon they are dancing.
No it’s just another video game. The core competency of this developer is dialogue interaction or dialogue puzzles that help create a sense of immersion in a world with lots of RPG mechanics. It is more or less in line with their previous games. There are quite a few tacked on features.
There’s so much media coverage of video games these days I think it makes it hard to just have them stand on their own merits without having every detail examined and compared across every game that has ever released. People who are spending the money on video games as entertainment will be entertained, but this isn’t a genre defining product and it isn’t a flop either.
I use sponsor block but YouTubers who do this are still typically channels I don’t like watching. No disrespect to the job but I don’t like feeling like a product.
Much prefer YouTubers who do it as a hobby