I already addressed this in reply to someone else, you only wasted your time here.
I already addressed this in reply to someone else, you only wasted your time here.
citation needed
My VPN is headquartered in California, and actively removed their presence from Hong Kong once their security policy matched China’s, and removed themselves from Russia since that country was opposed to the zero logs policy.
I didn’t ask you. I didn’t ask the other neutral guy either. Not my issue that you have a problem with me suggesting the original respondent check his phrasing to make his intention clear, or pointing out the specific phrases that make it unclear.
Yeah, part of it reads like he was paid to do it, just without including obvious marketing links so he can claim in the article that he wasn’t. Ending the article with valid use cases seems like preventing anyone saying he left out valid reasons, but after a wall of text that could make less savvy users do a “TL;DR: VPN not needed” before they got to that part. I’d respect it more if he led off with the same short description of valid uses, especially considering the article title, then pivoted to where it could be irrelevant.
My VPN advertises protected torrenting as a feature. Many do.
And it’s pretty nondebatable that VPNs are advertised for getting around regional blocking for Netflix etc, or generally getting around censorship like in China.
You’re welcome to your opinion but these phrases
I feel like the opening sentences explained the reasoning behind the article sufficiently,
They’re not the only ones pointing this out, either.
are oppositional in tone.
You may want to reconsider your phrasing then if you don’t want it to appear to be argumentative.
Your comment in no way negates my observation. If the clickbait title of the article was “You probably don’t need a VPN to avoid market tracking” or something similar, you’d have a point.
Spends most of article telling you why they probably aren’t necessary.
Ends with 4 examples why they’re useful, which are the main reasons they’re used to begin with.
I didn’t feel the need to post screenshots for any reason, I just post screenshots. Don’t read too much relevancy into that.
Also, Bluesky only recently made it so posts can be viewed on the website without login, so search engines probably haven’t had time to scrape much of it yet, however that’s determined.
He’s commenting on how you missed the entire point of his comment regarding how older systems can have another OS put on it and given to an underprivileged person, specifically a kid. If you’re an exceptional case who has to find a way to use old equipment with Windows, fine, there are already ways to do that, but if you actually don’t understand his original comment or his reply in context of his original comment, then you’re pretty stupid.
yeah, don’t use google search, or google photos, etc
Yattee note for those who need it:
Subtitles currently do not work as far as I can tell. Looks like it was recently fixed in v169, but it’s still in pre-release status (current iOS version is 166):
It’s not built in but should work alongside it ok.
Yes, that is an option.
Firefox Focus and Brave appear to still work.
edit: should clarify that FF Focus is its own browser and can also be used as a Safari extension.
Same here, I haven’t tried it in a while so I’m basing off old memories at best.
The only reason this continues is because you morons insist on it. I stand by my feedback to the person who responded to me, whether you like it or not. Get over it, you’re not going to harass me into changing my mind about it.
The funny part is I wasn’t picking a fight, that’s what you douchebags are doing with the ongoing commentary. For me this would have been done and forgotten about already.