Started doing that a year or two ago when I saw a video with that chef who gets real mad about everything where he lazy scrambled, and I was like, huh, you know what? Why the hell am I wasting a whole bowl that I have to clean?
Started doing that a year or two ago when I saw a video with that chef who gets real mad about everything where he lazy scrambled, and I was like, huh, you know what? Why the hell am I wasting a whole bowl that I have to clean?
Back when I mained Lulu in League oh say roughly a decade ago, they were fun to play because their shield could also be used as an attack that set you up for an easy slow. Paired with the right teammate, that combo did in many an enemy AC. I also enjoyed getting a bunch of items with cooldowns that did things like speed us up for chases or add temporary shields, and an ult that - used right - temporarily interrupted and stunned the enemy in addition to adding some health.
Those kinds of dynamics, where you’re buffing your team at the right time to secure kills in addition to healing them, made being designated support my preferred role.
“Woman are you going to be able to get the kids”
Lmao this is not how I talk, nor do I have an SO nor kids. Though maybe that’s for the best going by autocomplete
The good news: I don’t drive anymore
The bad news: I did that shit because I grew up on an intersection with a real bad angle, so the only way to see both directions was to angle the car flat with the road I was turning onto. Then, even after moving, I did it because it gives better visibility.
Definitely, but I actually just use the spatula to scramble - so no bowl to clean and no fork either! The bottoms of the eggs grab the pan as they cook, so it doesn’t really require much whipping power to get 'em good and scrambled. 100% recommend
The other thing I learned from shouty chef: the salt goes in at the end, when they’re almost done. They’re much creamier that way, you don’t get the ‘egg water’ separating from the eggs