I’m finding Copilot better than any search and better than buying by itself and world’s better than Google search, but it’s totally not private… So anything you seem sensitive or private you just can’t use it for
I’m finding Copilot better than any search and better than buying by itself and world’s better than Google search, but it’s totally not private… So anything you seem sensitive or private you just can’t use it for
I think this is a reasonable argument. A lot of it seems to just have been companies using inflation as an excuse to raise prices causing more inflation.
Well that’s just capitalism. Just like the rise of sugary drinks and booze cigs etc. We’re not optimizing for the well-being of people. It’s all about that dough. China is the same, but instead it’s just one big extra shitty company.
Plus good luck if you like psychedelics and shit. China can’t arrest you for DMT in the US, but the feds and local police sure as hell can.
Yeah but they’re just distracting from the domestic surveillance that is oppressively bad. I’ve never seen a compelling argument TikTok is somehow more dangerous to use than Facebook. At least for a US Citizen with no family in China. But you go out explaining how you’ll assassinate Xi on any platform they could send somebody to take you out. Anyone who trusts any company or government with their data is naive.
Oh also shout out for the amazing MPV and yt-dlp lol. Fuck em all. Get yer’ ships ready lads.
It’s so silly. Lol like Google can hand over everything to the feds and they can harass you, arrest you for dumb shit, fuck with your family, jobs etc. China can’t do much to me over here. Plus if they wanna spy on me they can just see what’s already public. I’ve never seen evidence TikTok actually gathers or sends anything off that Meta/Facebook or Google does. I mean, can’t these people run a packet capture program? Jeez. Smartphones are corporate controlled spy devices already, so if you’re using one you’re already pretty blown. The problem isn’t TikTok, or the CCP spying on Americans. It’s the spying itself no matter who’s doing it. Plus fucking Blackrock owns 40% of Bytedance. We got our hands in everything. Anyone who thinks the US government can be trusted more than China, and lives in the US is insane. Unless you’re Chinese and have family over there. Then it’s a real problem.
Anyway. Who’s more likely to give the feds everything? China or Google. I don’t think China will give them shit. It’s a moot point anyway because most of US TikTok is handled by servers in the US by a legal US corporation (owned by Bytedance of course). When Blackrock owns 40% though why are we even talking about this stupid shit. It’s a distraction from all the companies and gov here in merica’ fucking us. The CCP sucks ass, they’re horrible, I don’t really trust Bytedance with my data, but I don’t trust Google either.
I don’t get it. Just seems like a bunch of grumpy old millennials. I’d hoped we would be different.
Just don’t forget Blackrock owns a very sizable portion of Bytedance. Just saying.
Facebook is just American spyware. The Chinese gov can’t exactly send the feds to my house. You better bet the US gov can though!
We need public universal medical with no private option in order to create full price regulation of medical, we don’t want the government doing any more than we have to have them do though, because of corruption and lack of input from the populass. (Well almost no real input) We need the military budget and all the wasteful spending on secretive spy programs and BS to go away. Minimize or dissolve the NSA for example, and direct all that money towards social services, accountability, and a UBI or something near it. With AI exponentially progressing we might want more of a giant divided. Then everyone’s wealth could potentially skyrocket in unison, without the top heavy distribution. So really what I’m saying is we need to own the means of production collectively. Lol
How does this work for the disabled, the partially disabled, those who can barely get by on low income etc? Honestly we’d be better off with universal healthcare and removing employers from the health insurance system. They often pay tens of thousands of dollars in premiums, and the employees still have to pay premiums often.
That would give companies way more freedom to hire, less incentive to force near full-time part time jobs, and would allow people the freedom to move from job to job without any effect on medical services. The companies may very well not pay more. Plus the government would have the buying power to essentially price fix most medication and care.
Edit, addition:
This will never work though because of profit incentives. If I’m CEO of a fortune 500 I’m going to do absolutely whatever it takes to be profitable, and more profitable each quarter. Literally the legal obligation of a publicly traded company. It’s a fiduciary duty under law. When most of the investment is top 0.1% plus other publicly traded corporations and private equity firms the people will never benefit proportionally. Even well of working class tech workers making bank, really aren’t when you look at how little they actually have of the overall pie. If taxes go down for me, yeah I’d have more money to spend, so everyone has more money to spend, but 30% of crumbs are still crumbs, plus we lose a bunch of social services and things like Medicare and Medicaid which are already essentially damage control. Fundamentally, the incentives determine the outcomes. Capitalism, especially or current chrony implementation, is fundamentally tied to incentives that benefit wealth accumulation at the top.
Don’t forget Money Center banks like BofA went from 10% fractional reserve (they needed to theoretically have 10% of the amount they were lending) to 0%. That’s just a fancy way of saying they can print money by fiat just like the Fed does. The Fed is weird though because it may as well be owned by the banks as well, but the head of the Fed is appointed by the president.
There are arguments though that given our somewhat teetering system that they did some “goodish” things to prevent all out collapse. Their actions have not changed anything systemic though, and the system it’s arguably the problem.
I have all my puts down