I don’t feel that one’s even halfway earned. I don’t hate my fellow man, not even when he’s tiresome, surly, and tries to cheat at poker. I figure that’s just the human material, and he that finds in it cause for anger or dismay is a fool for expecting better.
“Esoteric” meaning anything more complicated than subject-verb-object to this subgenius.
Ready to be blue-balled this weekend.
Yes, “teach them a lesson they’ll feel in their bones.” Although I thought the focus of being a despot, along with the Scattering, was to teach a humanity a lesson about avoiding the “Pharaonic Disease”; to reject authoritarians.
Yeah, later books seem like Frank Herbert was way too obsessed with sex. The idea of Honored Maitres as using sex to control humans seemed pretty misogynistic, even at the time (yes, eventually there was a guy, too). Still, I think the whole “put humanity in a pressure cooker so they explode outwards when the lid is gone” concept was pretty thought-provoking. Also the Siona project; if prescience is a real thing in that universe, it can be studied and understood, then weaponized. How do you defend against an enemy that knows where and when you’ll be?
When I was working security for a hospital they wanted to send imagery from an MRI (or maybe CAT, I forget) upstairs to be interpreted without allowing any network traffic to be able to reach the host machine because it was running XP. I asked why, and they told me that in order to replace it the vendor was requiring a $7 million replacement of the whole MRI.
No one was born in the United States between 1964 and 1981.
Yeah, it’s fine. Birth rates were just above 2 per woman for a couple decades before dropping again to current levels, but with a larger population there are still more births happening than in the 1970s. That decade, low birth rates combined with a smaller population resulted in a small number of GenX members. I am totally OK with continuing to fly under the radar.
Yeah Webster, that doesn’t really help.
This, and don’t discount the effect of good airflow. People need to stop storing fruits and veggies in plastic; it just traps moisture and promotes rot. I got these mesh bags that really increased their shelf/refrigerator life.
Chaotic neutral salad.