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One solution to the Scunthorpe problem
Der Boy ist Candy Corndog am snacken.
There are a lot more people meeting this description who aren’t serial killers than there are serial killers. So it must be some else that all the serial killers have in common that doesn’t apply to the rest.
They all had a documentary made about them. Therefore, to avoid becoming a serial killer if above description fits you, you should prevent people from making documentaries about you.
How is the witch’s microphone plugged in? Is there a hole a the bottom of the kettle for the cable? How is the soup not leaking through this hole?
Some savage who wants their file get deleted by Word when pressing ‘save’ without having to use capital letters for the file extension.
There’s much more of Iran than Iraq visible
Unlike John Wilkes Booth
When I, as a German speaker, pronounce Mercedes, every e is slightly different.
There’s a pink version of this robe where all the pockets are fake.
Mamma mia, Mamma mia, Mamma mia let me go