People always told me I was going to have my brain poisoned by my gameboy, television, my computer. I turned out fine!
protip, you can watch a movie by yourself, hitchhikers is a fun little romp.
People always told me I was going to have my brain poisoned by my gameboy, television, my computer. I turned out fine!
protip, you can watch a movie by yourself, hitchhikers is a fun little romp.
The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy film was released 19 years ago, the story itself is over 40. Dont be surprised if lots of people dont know about it lol
No. Its straight only passing, because queers know how to iron, and heteronormativity.
Australian politicians have been arguing about nuclear energy for decades, and with whats going on now, petty distracting squabbling while state governments are gutting public infrastructure
The most frustrating thing is the antinuclear party is obviously fine with nuclear power, and nuclear armaments, just look at the aukus submarines
labors cries about the dangers to our communities and the environment are obviously disingenuous, or they wouldnt be setting a green light for the billionaire robber barons to continue tearing oil and minerals out of the ground (they promise to restore the land for real-sies this time)
Anyway, a nuclear power plant runs a steam turbine and will never be more than what, 30% efficient?
Imagine being mad you can’t understand a pie chart divided into two colours, imagine being mad at a joke. Have we all forgotten this is !memes@lemmy.ml ??
I literally made charts detailing that the majority of responses said they were tankies, and then I provided you the details.
Downvotes are for rule breaking content, not for covering your big feelings.
People who are downvoting this dont like to have fun
the point is elections in bourgeois elections dont make a difference. while at the same time the vote for Biden or else crowd are way more adamant that there is a correct way to vote, even participating but voting for the wring candidate, one who aligns with your values, is not good enough.
liberals have brainworms, so bought into the status quo they can’t imagine not voting for for one rapist and genocidal maniac, or the other
maybe it’s that western peninsula, europe or whatever.
the pope’s just written a speech about how gender ideology destroying the fabric of society, the pope can choke
Galatians 3:28
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female—for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.
uh oh
it’s actually a soft J, Jif like yiff
complaining about the rise of fascism
infers anyone who’s not going to vote fascism away is a dunce
mentions lukewarm iq
mentioning iq at all
guess there’s just a predetermined, genetic based, level of intelligence hey mate? scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds, comrades.
I’m not American, I dont get a vote, I laugh at trump, and all of America, to keep myself from crying.
this isn’t antique, this is run of the mill current year misogynistic shit. the ig page is still posting shit like this regularly.
1/10 - delete this
I hate reddit, but I always hated reddit, it was always a cesspool. back in the day before the recent admin drama it was really horribly bigoted, and when lots of people jumpped ship recently, the community got real racist real fast
Yes it is hard to imagine loving someone who doesnt make your peepee hard, youre so right!
your chauvinism is showing, as per usual, go on though, tell me its just a joke or something