Gradle has entered the chat
Gradle has entered the chat
Elon Musk is the resident Nazi at the heart of the US government and is widely believed to have bought his influence with Trump. Oh and also Trump is President again after being a convicted criminal. No this isn’t a joke.
I wonder how long you can safely, and in good consciousness, leave these without being eaten before you have to say something. Like if you trick your dad into accepting the switched out Sprout Ferrero Rochers but he doesn’t open them for three weeks should you squeal?
Did he form these views before or after he lived out his life in the country that is the anthesis of socialism? 🤔
Also it looks like Germany and Denmark is one country.
No please not this again. We come so far since those days it’ll be rubbish if we went back… 😜.
Europeans be measuring in 4/4 time? 😂🤣
Wait… Kung Fu is just maths for Asians?
Thet’s not a ye-ahh. This is a ye-ahh.
If I were still inside your mom I’d make that face too.
Big doubt that he is a Larry 😂
I knew he was big. But god damn. He is the mixing desk! Can’t have been healthy.
Holy fuck he was such a chonk.
Do you realise how much tea stains?
This was the guy who, when told he had cancer, decided to self treat himself with smelling salts or some shit like that. Then when it didn’t work said, “Halp I need medicine”.
All French people are from Yorkshire, obvs.
Wikihow to drop your shoulder and nonchalantly roll away from a toxic work colleague with unwanted sexual intentions.
Tom Morello in absolute shambles at this realisation 😅