just barons doing baron things.
if only it was so simple. AB managed to piss everyone off.
wish it would just default to my default rather than forcing selection, seems to vary by instance too.
doh, forgot to set the language!
aside from misinfo this is more of why they want to moderate some responses, someone is going to blow themselves up using a recipe it gives them
its interesting but it tells us what we already know about subjects with material that is incomplete.
bring it
this is going to be more an issue for big instances i honestly suspect, however I also hope to see some tools to make compliance easier for people, deletion would just be a purge of the data, you can already do this for a number of sets including a specific user, its mostly for federated data, not sure how it works with home users. you can always manually edit the DB. The tools will need to get better fast.
as for us instances, they would be more likely to just block the EU unless compliance is super easy. its a federation so there is little reason for you to be on on instance so far away, im a big fan of many smaller instances.
imo the big take away is id like those in the EU to know is if you want good GDPR compliance, someone needs to go over the software and make compliance the easy default. For the most part, compliance can be automated.
Each provider still needs to respect GDPR, since the account sources from the home instance and all content comes with the home instance you only need to execute a GDPR to the home instance. Once executed within a week or so all copies should be gone from the network though there will still be some floating on backups not controlled by the home instance. Cleaning those would require a request to every instance in the federation.
tbh, windows user since the 90s, tried *nix desktops since the early 00s every few years. Used to have a thing where I would force myself to use it for 6 months and it would fail again and again.
In the last year, ive been using ubuntu (which i know isint the best desktop to use even) as a dev system on some of my work. Unlike in the past I am no longer finding an unreasonable delta between the user expectations in linux vs windows systems. I need to drop to a cli for both with ~ the same propensity once I do anything advanced. Not having a registry is a blessing I never thought I would be able to have in a rich visual system.
Long time .NET / Azure dev - moving to linux. After all, what do you think remote windows will run under-the-covers?
and I want to move fully off of windows, what a coincidence.
ty for the clarification!
Processing of personal data for which the responsibility lies with the state
~~This part right here seems like a power reach, I would be concerned this bill is a small step toward a govt forcing everyone to run tracking software (to ensure your data’s safety) with threat of arrest if they don’t. ~~
is this the beginning of the road? going through this farce is going to give govt what it needs to consider these attacks on the state.
facts, would not want to see it either as its more likely to make a mess but telecom has been srs business for years. at this point it can be argued some of this is about stability and national security. better to have everyone connected than not, companies making this harder are going to make themselves targets.
so, they are asking to be regulated?
really its just different trust root authorities presuming we are still talking pk distribution infra involved here. alice and bob can of course always trade keys in other ways. if its distributed you have to root trust with a ledger (trust area: key ceremony, consensus protocol) or a CA (trust area: the CA chain, every step is another element of trust)
its work to sift through the junk but its worth it, i refer to my communities all day while working already!
“USA Left” != “EU Left”
there are of course leftists like what you are thinking in the US but are a smaller or quieter group here due huge pushes the other way