Is watching LOTR Extended editions a Christmas tradition in your fam also?
Is watching LOTR Extended editions a Christmas tradition in your fam also?
Do you think we should end any and all relationships with Israel?
It would be good to know what point you’re trying to make.
Ending any relationship with Israel is not pointless.
It would be hilarious if it became the biggest instance of its kind within a very short amount of time.
I hope that floating navbar style doesn’t become mainstream. Distracting to the point of making me sick.
I was so confused. I thought LEGO was releasing a 3D printer of sorts that baked actual LEGO bricks.
I’ve only had one coffee today.
This is a ban of those apps on work issued devices, not personal devices. I suspect there’s a range of reasons for doing this but I don’t think the apps being compromised is one of those reasons. Most likely the opposite, the apps work too well.
For anyone unaware, Harry does indeed become a cop (auror).
When you say ‘pretend’ did you physically huddle together in a car-like shape and make car-like noises or did you just walk up and try to order?
All the corner stores in Sydney have been turned into homes.
I think Collabora Online uses or is built on LibreOffice. It’s a subscription service but you can host it yourself for free (I think for personal use). I’ve not tried either. I’m pretty sure the Collabora team are big code contributors to LibreOffice. If I got anything wrong I hope someone will correct me.
Yeah apparently it models all the layers of the Earth’s core, not just the crust. Have fun playing around with it.
Looks like it’s Earth based but I haven’t tested it yet. Only heard about it today while working and thought I’d share.
That is correct. The K-9 dev has been with the Thunderbird team for a while now and the project repo is thunderbird-android. Don’t know when the rebrand is coming.
What a time to be alive.
Yeah for a car. I think it was for Subaru. The ad was just the car driving through various vistas while a really long poem was being narrated. It’s possible the small cinema chain we go to needs the ad money to stay afloat.
With a bit of polish that would be a good joke. Now that the ideas out there I wonder if it’ll come back around and one day someone will tell me a joke about seeing an ad at a movie.
We see you. Hello 👋