Transphobia has never made any sense to me, a cishet male. It’s like… has it ever occurred to you that different people have different needs? Stop being a hateful transphobic jackass and open your mind a fraction.
Transphobia has never made any sense to me, a cishet male. It’s like… has it ever occurred to you that different people have different needs? Stop being a hateful transphobic jackass and open your mind a fraction.
It was bound to happen sooner or later. Oh well.
To save folks a search: “flytipping” is illegal dumping.
Now I want to go around saying “im normal i have girl”, but nobody would get the reference.
If you’re earning minimum wage and being called in for a 3 hour shift, find another job. That’s bullshit.
I don’t know why this is so goddam funny
I was just going to chalk it up to curiosity, because raccoons are smart enough to be curious, but I like your answer better!
The Naïve Witch of the North (South if you’re going by the original novel instead of the movie).
Yeah… the topic annoys me so much I was responding to the attitude of the original rather than what you actually posted. Ironically, this makes me a hypersensitive snowflake that conservatives constantly make fun of. lol oh well!
And in my opinion, Judy Hopps is firmly in the friend zone.
I absolutely hate this common, deliberate “misunderstanding”. Political correctness isn’t killing free speech. It has never tried to. Political correctness simply means that times change, and you can’t go around insulting people without consequence.
“Anyone who doesn’t look like someone I’d want to fuck is ‘woke’. That’s how that word is used, right?”
You should watch Unbreakable, if you haven’t already.
Whoever created this one gets extra points for using the “pimp hat”
Sometimes I wanna know why people downvote things, but in this case, I’m perfectly fine not reading rants from bigots. Just seethe in silence, jackasses.
I think I’d be mildly offended if someone chose to drink out of that abomination rather than share a bottle with me. I’d also take it as a sign to review my personal hygiene situation.
Probably, though, I’d just laugh and stop taking things so seriously.
Speaking as a boring cishet guy, I know it would have taken some major, science fiction-level brainwashing to get me to stop liking the girls I went to high school with, and/or start being interested in the boys. “Societal pressure” would not have been nearly enough.
It’s much more humane, and kind, to simply accept and support people.
Seeing them get some support and positive reinforcement makes me incredibly happy
It’s not worth having a crisis over. It could be anything or nothing.
Posts like this are what the trolls want, btw.
Yeah. I understand how the idea can make people uncomfortable, but there’s a big difference between discomfort and hatred.
Just calm down, folks. Nobody’s going to force surgery or medication on you, okay? Jeez.