Cats are nocturnal, so when you’re in bed at night; it’s their time to hunt. Toxoplasmosis can eliminate fear of cats in mice. Mice walking up to a cat or not being afraid will throw off the predator instinct.
Cats are nocturnal, so when you’re in bed at night; it’s their time to hunt. Toxoplasmosis can eliminate fear of cats in mice. Mice walking up to a cat or not being afraid will throw off the predator instinct.
Toxoplasmosis will make them walk right up to cats which can confuse the cat. -They catch it from the cat’s urine.
Not sure about here, but on Reddit we can cross post which references the source advertising the possibly better run sub / mutiny.
The niche community gets more attention and followers which might be better in the long run.
A picture can express a thousand words, and leave out a billion others.
And I used to think all conspiracy theorist nutjobs were republican.
Says the kind of person that believes everything they see and hear on the internet and chooses to not investigate claims. Or you’re just a commie that doesn’t know better. Both of them are bad for America.
Don’t want either candidate. I’m simply saving my time from endless hours of mulling over which ‘might’ be less bad to vote in an election where 99.99%+ chance it wouldn’t matter anyway.
It’s really not a matter of ‘working hard enough’. Financial discipline, learning trades (skills), not being depdendent on a single source of income, avoiding addictions and expensive habits, etc can play a part in financial security.
edit: I don’t know what H-1B is though.