Yes, if your demon is the Bugblatter Beast.
Nothing to do with Brexit, banks have been reducing their high street presence for 20yrs plus in the UK.
Santander had some banks become part Costa Coffee and part bank to reduce costs as another example of money saving.
Me drinking all the leftover booze to help my family who have all started diets this week.
You’ve not worked night shifts clearly!
It’s usually on the packaging.
It was in the 90s and early 2000s when I sold photo/video kit.
I think you only need the first 5 words.
I’m doing my bit for the bees and butterflies, my grass is at least a foot tall.
She wanted to play in court though.
We used it during the late 70s and 80s, I don’t recall hearing it recently.
They have no idea how heavy that will be once full.
It always was!