just one more thing…
just one more thing…
nothing like that. It’s just, the aroma of tea in the morning is a good way of starting your day. It’s so good. try it. I only drink 5 6 mugs of tea a day. so it’s not like addiction or anything.
20-second endorphin flashes.
your kids are into Grindcore?
I don’t really care for them. They’ve always been a tangerine ripoff.
my hometown’s park had one of these. one day it malfunctioned and dropped. I was a kid but for some reason I went to see the aftermath. horrifying. dried blood everywhere…
not the same but kinda reminded me of Tooth and Tail :)
I don’t see any curvature with my ruler
makes sense 👍
Did I read this wrong or the author is really trying to frame it as a cutesy normal thing?
Do it like FromSoft. Put a cool item in a barrel early game and I’ll smash all the barrels i see to get nothing 😊
Life always gives you interesting choices. wanna get ingnored by your family and starve to death? Or get executed by a knife in an abandoned mine? 🫠