Was going to say that… the headline is missing
" 's right to exist "
Was going to say that… the headline is missing
" 's right to exist "
There’s another bot that will post alternative links for youtube so you don’t have to view videos on youtube. They are pretty helpful
‘Born in France in 1997 to Iranian parents’
So… yeah, you’re right.
the right … is completely disingenuous about why they support it
Are they ever ingenuous?
the men in their life just wont let them go to public buildings (including schools) anymore
This one is the most likely outcome.
It would be religionist, not racist. Islam is followed by many different races. But I get where you’re coming from. I’m all for getting rid of all the religious symbolism etc.
It’s only banning in the workplace, not an outright ban.
There are plenty of Muslim females I have worked with who never wore a hijab in or outside of work, so if it’s no issue for them, why should it be an issue for these women?
How does it help the issue though, I have no idea.
Then wouldn’t they be against Islam forcing women to wear the hijab??
That’s the catch 22 isn’t it… “You’re not free to dictate that women must wear a hijab, because we are dictating they can’t wear one.”
However, this is only legislating public workplaces not everywhere, so it’s less dictatey than Islam.
I would hardly put a hijab in the category of ‘by her choice’…
Sounds fair to me, we need less religion everywhere.
What I don’t get is the right wing pushing this and the left wing being against it, while the hero of the far left said ‘Religion is the opium of the masses.’
No no, you’re misunderstanding. The bank is made of hydrogen.
The IDF are committing genocidal war crimes with the goal of taking more territory and gaining more power. They aren’t doing it in the name of Yahweh or Judaism or Abraham; it’s a state force. They aren’t religiously motivated terrorists acting all over the world. Terrorists yes, but not really comparable to Jihadists outside of Israel/Palestine.
Can’t say I can recall the last time I heard about Jewish extremists plotting terrorist attacks abroad. The sooner Islam becomes the acceptable modern neutered version of religion, the better.
China: Stop copying me!!
Anyone who downvotes this hates LGTBQ people and women.
This is exactly why I am against Islam. Muslim people aren’t all bad people, obviously, but Islam in numbers is bad. It always leads to fascism. It also leads to more muslims dying by suicide bombers.
The best environment for muslims (and women, LGBTQ people, immigrants, anyone who isn’t a muslim) is one where they are not in control, where they live in a secularist society as a minority and are allowed the ‘freedom to practice any religion’ where extremists are not given a space to take power or oppress people.
Isn’t this how politics works like, everywhere?
Oh shit, is this the sequel to Destruction Derby?? That’s so awesome!
The worst article ever written again???
Planted inside ALL of the trains?
Dam, they are some pretty epic hackers.