Name three nations whose democratically elected president has been couped by the US in favour of installing a corrupt tyrant that happily sold out his people in exchange for power.
Bonus points if the nations are not all from the same continent.
Name three nations whose democratically elected president has been couped by the US in favour of installing a corrupt tyrant that happily sold out his people in exchange for power.
Bonus points if the nations are not all from the same continent.
It’s always been my conviction that the English would rather crash their economy five times over than be one among equals. So I don’t think that we’ll see them anytime soon. Beyond specifically the English is another topic, however.
You’re not a honorary citizen of both Russia and China.
You’re right, it’s just a lot of nuance for social media. Thanks for taking the time and spelling it out for others.
Barbaric. Edit: but fitting for a nation with a facist government.
Making conservative retards feel more at ease. Plus, EU forbids commercializing drugs, so “look no buying!” is a way around that.
That’s not fair, that’s like exchanging actual AIDS for cholera. How am I supposed to decide if I want to shit myself to death or die slowly to a corrupted immune system. Eh, now that I read it out aloud in my head, I think I’ll stick with actual AIDS, probably.
Fair enough, there are a couple of decent ones buried beneath piles of rubbish.
I generally agree with your post, though “historically been the linchpin of global democracy” boggles my mind and almost had me throw your text on the same pile with other posts like rElEvAnT uSeRnAmE. I wonder how you can uphold an opinion as easily disproven than that. How many leaders does a nation have to coup before you a forced to accept the fact that said nation has zero interest in democracy? Genuinely flabbergasting.
You sound sane enough to engage with a topic. Wanna have an Internet conversation?
Numerous polls around the world name the US as te most hated, most dangerous nation because it is. Google Banana Republic and report back, tell me what you think. The US has been doing that for over a hundred years. Tell me three nations the US couped, tell me what you think about that. Tell me two regions they destabilized. I’m actually not joking, each of those questions are like 10 - 30 seconds of Internet search and I’m curious if any of it changes your opinion on the US being called evil and dangerious only being the result of polls instead the polls being the result of the US being evil and dangerous.
Just because Russia is a terrorist shithole doesn’t mean the US can’t be the bigger and worse terrorist shithole. I agree that there are better ways of getting rid of that evil shithole, for example by its retard population voting for a government that stops their war machine. Because, you know, at least Americans don’t have to be afraid to get vanished if they protest, in contrary to people in China, Nazi Germany, Russia. But we’re not living in a world that would allow for a better way to exist. IMHO, at least. The US collapsing under their own degeneracy is the best solution for the rest of the world. Trump would be the perfect candidate.
I miss having good politicians. All we got in Germany are neo-liberal corrupt demagoges that ruin the social cohesion in favour of their industry masters.
I genuinely hope that Trump wins the presidency. Nothing will nuke the US hegemony from orbit faster than not providing the protection the nations within your hegemony pay your industry for. Why allow the US to suck you dry if they don’t do their part? The EU is infested with parasites and corruption, it’ll never manage to stand on its own legs until those US agents get flushed out by the EU need to fend for itself and build its own infrastructure and army.
With the US severely weakened it won’t be able to coup another nation every five years, it won’t be able to keep installing dictators and tyrants that oppress their people, kill their rivals and sell out their nation to US interests in exchange of power, which will greatly stabilize the world. South America, middle east, all the US’ doing. Terrorist shithole nation for over a hundred years and it is slowly coming to an end.
Yes there is the risk that China will step up and be just as evil, but there is also the chance for the EU to step up and be less of a dystopian nightmare. Change that’ll get a chance to grow into something better once Trump shoots the US in the head.
Oh noes, the terrorist state that’s couping other nation’s presidents to install dictators that’ll happily sell our their county to US interests in exchange of power does terrorist state things. Who could’ve seen that coming! Surely not the world the last hundred years.
Damn, didn’t check the sub. My apologies! :D
Das hat auch mal für Deutschland gegolten. Faschos raus. Egal aus welchem Staat.
Enough dead kids and the morons will learn their lesson while the most unteachable idiots will see their bloodline get thinned out. I’m old enough to remember the stories of my great-grandparents and what diphtheria has left them of their 10 children.
One step further: it’s Schiller’s poem. Beethoven turned it into a symphony.
I’ve made my peace years ago with the fact that this problem is going to take care of itself.
SPD should keep blocking weed, that’ll have people trust and vote for them more.
Just finding out how ignorant you are about the US. Depending on your level you can easily make fun about everything being blamed on that terrorist shithole.
So far you know of 0 coups. It’s unlikely that you know about less prominent evil.