Coming? Or am I missing something?
Coming? Or am I missing something?
We’re posting CCP wolf warriors here now?
Lmao we wield immense power with our weird measurements I guess. This makes me want to use them more.
When used in casual speech, you drop the year most of the time, so the month comes before the day. just like Americans would say. Don’t tell the people that hate how Americans do things, though.
I keep seeing posts about blocking ads on youtube, but one of the most upvoted posts right now is about not giving him ad revenue by avoiding the site? Ok then…
My initial point was that you either can’t tell her age or are lying about it. I still believe that to be true. Anyone being honest with themselves based on the entire character’s appearance would think she is a teenager or an adult. Saying she’s 9 ignores most of her appearance and is a warped viewpoint. So I don’t agree with you at all. And it’s pretty clear you’ll never agree with me.
Is Rem one of those characters? She has breasts and wide hips that are visible in this image. I guess cute faces mean people are 9 now. You could have said 15 or something and I’d agree that’s understandable, but 9? C’mon lol
What’s with people being unable to tell (or lying about) how old a character is? I’ve seen this so much on Reddit too where a character (such as here) has a developed body and someone thinks they’re like 7. There are plenty of real anime examples to use that are weird, so why make new ones up?
This was an art exhibit by Fabian Brunsing, not a real thing used in cities.
It might be, but they can never explain why. Is there some other language that does this? I don’t know of one.
None of your replies even address the weird spaces before commas thing. I’ve directly asked people on Reddit and the answer is always idk if they even reply at all.
Don’t even bother to reply. I’m not going to fuel this shitty thread any further.
Nah I’m gonna pile on. Firefox is better.
I believe all they require is your email, but I understand.
But you can make a single account and then it’s never a barrier again.
Nope not that at all. I’m against all war is all. And many people in many countries all around the world are benefiting from awful wars that happened centuries before they were born, possibly from people they aren’t even descended from. To call me and anyone else who moved to the US afterwards “colonists” is imo a misrepresentation and unfair. And I’m not saying the native Americans don’t deserve more than they’re been given so far.
My point is more getting people thinking about how tribes that early Americans wronged were also wronged before that. If we fix things to return them to how it was, why does the final state of tribes before European arrival get chosen as the correct state? We likely have no idea who was on specific land first here in America. We just know the final state and some of the preceding wars before then. Keep going back and there’s always a new victim.
Why is only one relevant? Is it the brutality of the war that matters? Or the recency?
What about the tribes that lost wars to other tribes? Do they get their old land? How far back are we going?
Seems like they really thought they were right and argued with people. If only they realized it takes 2 people to argue.