Doesn’t know the lyrics. Just goes meow meow meow.
Getting acquainted with git and the pull request process can be a daunting first step. Kudos to the neophytes for taking it.
Pull request:
genAI: I will replace all workers with my undeniably superior intellect
Also genAI: Elon Musk surely has two left feet
A server/client solution is absolutely not offline. You need a connection to save your doc, I mean please.
Excellent composition! The blanket-bowl forms a triangle with the pint & box, as well as the sock & clothing. All vertex of said triangle have accents of red and white which the eye feels compelled to jump between. The red piece of clothing may be a mask or a bra, which I feel both embody a social message in line with this community. The woke cereal brand is a subtle political touch. Finally the vertical positioning of the main subject (the blanket-bowl) seems to roughly espouse the golden ratio, maintaining a sense of liveliness. A technical artistic work for sure with a strong allegiance, aptly enlightened with a humorous twist.
7/7 museum material
Sending you good vibes & wishing you good health fellow netizen
If anyone’s wondering, this is more or less the cover of an album from Godspeed! You Black Emperor, with the spoken words at the beginning. Album is f#a#infinity or something like that.
I think generative AI is mainly a tool of deception and tyranny. The use cases for fraud, dehumanization and oppression are plentiful. I think Iris Meredith does a good job of highlighting the threat at hand. I don’t really care about the tech in theory: what matters right now is who builds it and how it is being deployed onto the world.
I don’t call them at all.
🎶 Burning Down The House 🎵
I’m lower right cat this morning.
I second this motion and propose a Tetris inspired cuddle puddle.
I see your V and I raise you a Vivi
I had a colleague like that. Everyone was like «aww you so cute and smol M, even when you angyyy ^^». Well M was getting shit done like none before or after ever did. M’s a ruthless unrelenting force, I miss her 😔
unconditional love
Meh. If you’re writing repetitive code you’re probably doing it wrong though.
Ok but what about mlemlemlemlem