One side doesn’t give you healthcare, the other side doesn’t give healthcare.
Vote blue btw
One side doesn’t give you healthcare, the other side doesn’t give healthcare.
Vote blue btw
When you are the US and the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany don’t destroy each other (they think they are smart at geopolitics)
Photographs and WWI, basically. It’s a bit hard to identify people with just written descriptions, and the war gave a reason to discriminate against certain groups for “spying” or whatever.
It’s wild to think that about 100 years ago is when passports started being a thing.
If you told me this is an AI video I’d believe you.
Nazis learning about concentration camps
Replace lemmy with The Internet and it would be the same thing.
Bu-bu-but drumpf worse!!1! Vote blueeeeeee
What makes fiber optic useful is the fact that it is a very specific kind of glass.
Maybe to foreigners but they love using the era for the year which doesn’t really help anyone.
Well, they did invest more time after making millions on profit enough for online discourse to shift to the point people argue that the launch wasnt that bad (it absolutely was worse than bad)
New World feelings
Is that functionality for share a console specific thing? I don’t remember any games that used it for that purpose (on pc)
I don’t mind an apk, but it is a bit of a pain to keep it updated.
In a way, not emigrating to the imperial core when I had the chance ended up being a blessing in disguise (so far)