I got you, bro!
It won’t be correct, but you’ll never know that.
I got you, bro!
It won’t be correct, but you’ll never know that.
I’m no longer afraid. I can say it freely.
I don’t get this meme and I don’t know what 196 is.
But I don’t want yall to stop having your fun.
For reals. And they used ostensibly in a sentence!
An ostensibly feat that I have never pulled off. Nor will I ever.
Finally! A use for my old bananas AND excess nut butter!
And I started with cannabutter if that helps
245 is the target temp. Only hot enough to burn my hand
Caramels work well for me.
Not me. Anyways, I’m going to find another community.
My guess is that when asked if we could stop talking about it for a bit, you decide to multi-post your theses.
No one is arguing against you, just read the room before you spam it.
It’d help if the tooter was in their nostril
I got me some new devices recently. Researching and adding privacy/security add ons to Firefox was surprisingly enjoyable.
The idea that I have some measure of control over what I experience - and what I give in return - is novel to me.
The -10 or so extensions work well enough. It’s still the internet, but it’s an earlier version. Better than what currently exists.
Whoever decided that is a genius.
I would never punch anyone in reality, but I have a desire to punch the hole.
Short chain oil!? At first I thought you were bs’ing about seasoning a pan with gear oil.
That sent me down a novel rabbit hole. Thanks for your input!
It’s fun stuff, right?? I’ve never been able to conceive why the ultra wealthy would want to let the peasants eventually die off.
Perhaps there are currently more peasants than they require? Was Ritchie Rich just waiting until AI drones became advanced enough to serve them properly?
My limited experience with wealthy folk (prob not even the top 15%) is that they like to feel superior by comparison. Some may be intelligent. Most are educated well even if they lack any aptitude.
My best guess is that they lack wisdom or any semblance of awareness that an aristocracy is stagnant. The things that live on our planet have had to struggle and adapt to survive. At some (small and meek) level, they fuel the forces that would oppose them.
It’s not actually fun stuff. I was joshing. I doubt we get to create the United Federation of Planets in the future. I would be ecstatic if that statement was proven wrong.
pre edit: this is just a pointless rant. Your time is precious. Consider skipping it
Please don’t take my statement as arguing against your point (I like where you are coming from).
I don’t even need sources, I rarely believe metrics in the first place because it is so difficult to conceive and even harder to conduct studies at this scale. This isn’t even a possibility in my mind, but:
If everyone that wasn’t in the global top 10% of wealth went full Fremen, would the problem truly continue to exist? I doubt it because much of the much industry owned by our increasingly indulgent hoarders wouldn’t be necessary. There wouldn’t be regular folks to make or buy the product. We’d be hiding under the sand in a cave while drinking our own pee.
I’m not knocking it - I haven’t tried it. All at once, anyways.
The gluttonous upper crust would still be jetting to the poles and burning tires for light, but I feel like that would be a much smaller burden on our planet’s ability to support life as we’ve known it than industry on a massive global scale.
I don’t know what my point is exactly. I don’t think I believe we’ll find a workable solution without a cataclysm. Let’s go with: selfish assholes are gonna earn their title every time. Regular folks shouldn’t be told that their combined efforts won’t put a dent in the problem. The ultra rich process nature into poison in order to gain more wealth and power over their peasants. Weakening public education and access to healthcare helps them sell their low quality, single use poisonous trinkets. Having a bunch of money isn’t useful if there aren’t a lot of folks that have little or even less money. Power, money, knowledge - resource - however you want to frame it.
But then the rich could just overpopulate and use their least favorite offspring as peasants…
Ugh. I should just delete this comment as I don’t know what my central statement is. I am certainly not disagreeing. Maybe its that we shouldnt accept futility even though our efforts may truly be futile. To encourage integrity and contentment among our masses. It’s very possible for the inhabitants to overcome our downward trend - but if we end up failing, there is still no reason we should accept defeat and be the poor, uneducated, meager servants they see us as.
Fuck the powers that don’t respect every life equally. Even if resistance isn’t effective, I’d rather suffer than accept a darker future. (I won’t have kids. Easy for me to say)
Ugh. Sorry if anyone reads this. I just needed to vent I guess. Thanks for being interested and making the post and conversation. Be well all
I like to chase my floaters around when I’m bored. Scares the coworkers.
Def has its own vibe. As long as I don’t try to entertain the driver who undoubtedly wants to hear none of it.
Sometimes I get this, sometimes not.
Today, I woke up giggling after a decent amount of sleep.