When you grow that third arm the production will increase by half by default…
I am a Meat-Popsicle
When you grow that third arm the production will increase by half by default…
Oh the sweet voice of a reason, they don’t take well to that around here. Good on you.
Viral food trends circle of life:
Bob says it’s delicious for the views
Steve reacts to Bobs video
Jimmy recreates the food in bobs video
Fred reacts to Jimmy’s video
Tyler Folse explains how it’s related to a nuclear reactor.
I think your phone powers all of the open AI hallucinations.
If you’re women have a PCIE slot I think I’m missing an upgrade
Women are so cute and beautiful but it’s like that I don’t know what to tell you
I can’t comprehend how they give so few f’s about their image as to even contemplate that in public.
I hate to be a back in my day kinda person, but there was a time at which large family-friendly companies were concerned enough with their image not to pull that shit, at least out loud.
I would kill for an in-and-out burger on the East Coast. You can get a burger, fries, and drink for less than an Five Guys cheeseburger.
Even FG is unreasonable.
My wife and 6YO kid went to FG last week and spent $27 on a meal for two and they split the fries.
A few ounces of meat, 50 cents of soda, a couple potatoes and an arguably 2 nice quality rolls. That meal cost them $5. Even with inflated labor it should be more like $15.
I’m more worried about their definition of buy ;)
It does seem to be some differentiation, I can’t walk into my child’s school and check out a book. At least I don’t think that would fly. It would definitely not be the norm.
They do actually have to re-license their online audio books every so many listens. They have to pay for the same audiobook over and over.
That’s why it’s a lot better for them to lend out the CDs, a few people are coming in for that.
The social contract solution is pretty solid. If you are intolerant of other people first, you lose protection of the contract and others will be intolerant of you without penalty.
The primary difference is, I can throw a party, I can have my trans friends gay friends Muslim friends black friends, and Latino friends All in the same room. Then I can leave the room to go take care of something and not have to worry that any one person in the room is going to say “you people”.
To be very honest I do have some somewhat conservative friends, They mostly worry that legislation will even the playing field and all their lifelong hard work will be for nothing. Which is still a pretty shitty outlook but I can understand it. They spent 10 years of their life putting our kids through college and all of a sudden colleges free.
Heh my microwave/oven combo that came with my house, it has wifi capability. I was all NOPE, absolutely not. So I set the clock and went about moving in.
Next day, it’s off by 1 minute. hmm, I must have caught it right near 00. Next day it’s off by 2 minutes.
Looking through for options to turn off the clock, NOPE.
It came with the house so i can’t return it. Dual Oven/Micro combos are expensive as hell. So I can either Have a clock in my kitchen that’s perpetually wrong, set the time on it every day, or put it on an IOT isolation network.
Microwave/Oven is the most useless integrated appliance.
At least my washing machine would be able to bug me that it’s done and remind me that it has been sitting for a couple of hours with wet clothes.
They’re catching on to that. A large number of IOT devices simply won’t work if they can’t hit the internet now.
What really pisses me off is stuff like Sonos. They’re networking code is so bad, I literally have to be on the same subnet to use their app on their speakers.
It’s s gateway drug. It’s ok to let them come in on Mint and Ubuntu, they’re scared and confused. Give them creature comforts. Once they’re warm and fuzzy, they’ll get inquisitive and branch out.
Regale to the Mint users the virtues of your better choices, but tell the windows users come on it and use whatever they’re comfortable with.
Because it’s on purpose. Education has a profound effect on voting. Higher education has a massive effect on voting.
When sabotaging schools brings you votes…
I’m pretty sure he’ll take money from anybody that’ll give it to him if he can make something remarkably dangerous with it and film it.
Omg did you pull those out of… Dude wash those off first…