It’ll probably be a brick in a few months, when the company goes bankrupt and the servers it relies on get shut down. So even getting it for free would be too expensive.
It’ll probably be a brick in a few months, when the company goes bankrupt and the servers it relies on get shut down. So even getting it for free would be too expensive.
They should’ve renamed the movie to “Speedo Pedo”.
Summertime hours reduction (from 35 to 32 hours).
lol these are my regular hours (webdev in Germany with a 4-day work week)
Sehr gut.
laughs in dual Xeon v4’s
Some of them did it partly in software, though - and they were less compatible. The European FAT models all worked like that.
Sadly, the fully-backwards compatible models are all ticking timebombs, unless you get the RSX chip replaced with a later model. It’s a problem with the underfill on the chip which resulted in the YLOD, which is basically Sony’s variant of the red ring of death.
I have an early FAT model and it still runs stable, but I’m afraid to use it because I know it will fail eventually if I do. It does look sexy asf though!
My dad let me play Wolfenstein and Duke Nukem 3D when I was seven. What a guy.