That was the Giovanni Ribisi trading movie right? “Reco”?
That was the Giovanni Ribisi trading movie right? “Reco”?
I used to love Sneakers. Haven’t seen it in forever though.
You just taught me a new word! (Squick)
The bashing-women-in-tech part. Sure, they intended it as parody; but, considering the condescension towards women that was already running rampant on Slashdot, it was in poor taste.
I seem to remember how short sighted that was.
So how will they comply with court orders requiring that function? /smh
There was another change in control of it in the early oughts I thought. Maybe not ownership but whomever was running the site changed.
Slashdot in its heyday was great. Then that sale happened. Somehow I ended up skipping Fark and Digg.
I just don’t understand some of these decisions…
Oh I agree it’s hard. AV1 helps, but until we get even better compression codecs, it’s just not going to happen. Eventually, though, you’d think storage and bandwith costs will get down to such a level that we think of 1080p videos the same as text messages now.
Check out org-mode in emacs. It’s amazing.
Mumble used to be great for that back in the day. It is FOSS.
Well, I don’t think it will STB, but YouTube needs a FOSS equivalent that has the same capabilities sans ads. But, that’s $$$$ infrastructure so I don’t know if that will ever come.
BUT, I really hope that by the time Discord pisses off its users, that matrix or another federated equivalent will have figured out the UI/UX to capture a large chunk of those users. I used to live in IRC, but discord finally killed it. And I hate using proprietary software for so much chat.
Former Texan here: slavery is why that exists. They ceded the land so they could enter the union as a slave state.