Inaccurate. With Trump you can always count on getting lies.
Inaccurate. With Trump you can always count on getting lies.
Hmm… that beet looks kinda similar to a human heart, wouldn’t you say? Is this a subtle suggestion?
Agreed. This is the first article I’ve encountered that explained the economics of possible reunification. Who knew that Northern Ireland receives so much financial support from the UK?
Funny picture!
But GS cookies are pretty awful. They’re full of sugar and palm oil. Maybe if they offered something that’s actually good for us, and the world, they’d sell more?
So, in the bottom picture, the staff can only passively look at the far away screens?
“No touchy the keyboard!”
…beans work too!
Oh, from the title it looked like this was a statement by the oil industry - defending it’s profiteering in the face of climate change.
You know you’re in trouble when the seat sticks to your butt a little, then makes a loud noise when it falls.
The size of SUVs these days is getting out of hand.
Pavlov was sitting in a bar, enjoying a beer. When someone else came in, the door caused a bell to ring.
Pavlov jumped up: “Oh no, I forgot to feed the dog!”
“Listen,” said Ford, who was still engrossed in the sales brochure, “they make a big thing of the ship’s cybernetics. A new generation of Sirius Cybernetics Corporation robots and computers, with the new GPP feature.”
“GPP feature?” said Arthur. “What’s that?”
“Oh, it says Genuine People Personalities.”
“Oh,” said Arthur, “sounds ghastly.”
A voice behind them said, “It is.” The voice was low and hopeless and accompanied by a slight clanking sound. They spun round and saw an abject steel man standing hunched in the doorway.
“What?” they said.
“Ghastly,” continued Marvin, “it all is. Absolutely ghastly. Just don’t even talk about it. Look at this door,” he said, stepping through it. The irony circuits cut into his voice modulator as he mimicked the style of the sales brochure. “All the doors in this spaceship have a cheerful and sunny disposition. It is their pleasure to open for you, and their satisfaction to close again with the knowledge of a job well done.”
As the door closed behind them it became apparent that it did indeed have a satisfied sigh-like quality to it. “Hummmmmmmyummmmmmm ah!” it said.
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Still too soon.
It’s not visible in the body of the post? I’m seeing the EDIT on my non-mobile Firefox browser.
Yeah… TIL that just including the URL on the Lemmy post creation page doesn’t automatically add it to an uploaded image.
Sadly Mlem won’t load (via Test Flight) on my 1st generation iPhone SE. The error says that Mlem requires iOS 16.
So, the internet version of the trolly choice problem?