Depends what you want. If you want an experience like Proton with its own app then use Tuta. If you’re happy with IMAP with a client like Evolution (Linux) or FairEmail (mobile for Android) or access via a website then are very good.
Depends what you want. If you want an experience like Proton with its own app then use Tuta. If you’re happy with IMAP with a client like Evolution (Linux) or FairEmail (mobile for Android) or access via a website then are very good.
I’m guessing Dad is a big Queen fan.
A mug on a plate is not interchangeable, conceptually, with a teacup and saucer. Even ones decorated in a rather fetching Wedgewood-esque style.
Not sure that its a must have and possibly uBO could handle it if I could be bothered to check but I like LocalCDN too.
Biden is a terrible President but American’s should vote for him because its a realistic probability that if Trump gets in, there’ll be no more elections to vote in.
“With a government like this, who needs terrorists?”
A bus stop? Is it right outside the local?
That’s a pub name in the UK.
Bird In Hand, that is. Intercourse is what happens in the pub toilets.
Only in an American advert could a character come back from a major coffee producing region and think the shit in that tub is real coffee.
one-note weed pine cone
Single greatest description of the taste of IPA I’ve ever read.
I’m not feeling dorceless, which is a key symptom. I will however remain vigilant. Unless that is also a symptom.
Says the guy clearly suffering from dorcelessness syndrome.
They began when Liz Truss absolutely fucked the economy.
I didn’t claim Lemmy was or wasn’t dying. I said that you unsubbing wasn’t going to kill Lemmy.
I really doubt Lemmy is dying though. In much the same way Mastodon isn’t dead merely because the Twitter exodus stopped. It’ll come and go in waves, just like Mastodon I expect. Or maybe it’ll go back to pre-Reddit numbers, when it still wasn’t dead.