No, but they exploit and enable them. Anything to fan the flames of your enemies’ internal struggle.
No, but they exploit and enable them. Anything to fan the flames of your enemies’ internal struggle.
Fairly certain most don’t get offended at genuine mistakes. It’s doubling down that usually upsets people, and if you’re the type to immediately go “well fuck you”, I suspect that may be the case with you.
you can’t really compare it
My point is that ridiculous difference. 10m is a lot of money, yet these people wouldn’t actually lose much because what they have left is still so obscenely much more.
Oh no, I mean based on my current income. If I made 10m less than I make now, I’d make about -10m. My yearly income is about 54k, or 0.054m, so subtracting 10m would get me to -9.946m.
I was trying to make a joke about how much 10m is for the average person, yet it’s rather minor when you’re already making 200m.
In fact, I’d be very much happy to make just those 10m, I don’t even need the 200m, nor would I need it more than once. A one-off sum of 10m would be more than enough to solve a lot of my problems and still have plenty left to be ready for future preparations.
Actually, losing 10m income would be bad. For me, at least, it would put me about 10m in debt.
I wish I could share your optimism, but we’re so deep in the M$ ecosystem they’ve got us by the balls. Given how conservative our industry is and that we’ve got about 80k people, I think our chances are slim.
Anyways, that’s why I replaced windows as the OS on my computer.
Most of my Windows troubles went away with that.
(My work laptop runs Win11, no choice there unfortunately)
Ah yes, because people always have a choice. There’s no way anyone competent would work at a larger company issuing devices with the company standard system running proprietary software that only functions on that system.
Drab + Dull = Droll
The math checks out
Dammit, it was right in the post, why did that take me so long?
That’s a feature with poetry all over: twisting grammar to make the content fit the line. “Some of those that work on the police forces” just doesn’t fit as well. It gets the point across anyway, so what’s the issue?
You mean 30 years ago?
Oh look, someone is doing something eccentric online that doesn’t actually harm anyone!
Better extrapolate that to their real life, make assumptions about that life and leverage that to make fun of them. Gotta make sure people conform to my expectations of behaviour online, right?
There is some merit to that, but not quite in the way you may believe. Their “boot camp” (that didn’t actually teach much in the way of combat, just enforced the Spartiates’ social hierarchy) did involve the senior children abusing the younger ones (including sexually), creating a shared suffering and an incentive to become the fucker rather than the fucked.
You’re more likely to fight harder alongside the people that made it through the same awful shit as you did.
If you’d like more info, there’s a historian’s blog I very much recommend who wrote a series on Sparta.
There probably has to be some level of cohesion (keeping it together in combat - when you’re under fire, you don’t want your mates to wet their pants and run away), but I would assume that’s established through drill and general camaraderie, not through romantic or sexual entanglement.
Pretty sure the Nazgûl use stabby weapons, where chainmail is less effective (not completely useless, but an unlucky thrust may split the rings).
First Elsass-Lothringen, now Heckler & Koch… when are they going to stop taking our stuff?
(Yes, I know the actual history is more complex. I’m just memeing.)
If you do not act you are not absolved of morality because you had a choice. You made a choice and your morals were tested.
You hold the opinion that deliberate inaction is an action in itself, that the worth of lives can be quantified and from that conclude that a failure to reduce a loss in life is tantamount to condemning those lives to death. That conclusion is valid under those premises, but the point of the dilemma is that not everybody agrees with those premises.
Trivium found on Wikipedia:
The guy that commercialised it was a teetotaller and wanted it to be called Root Tea, but because his target market were miners in Pennsylvania, he opted to call it Root Beer instead.
From my understanding, that title would be more accurate too, as it is produced from molasses with extract rather than grain mash, but my source is “skimmed Wikipedia” on both topics, so you should probably default to skepticism.
Either way, it apparently doesn’t taste like beer, comes in both alcoholic and non-alcoholic* variants, usually doesn’t contain caffeine and has a ton of flavours and variants from all over the world. If you care, you probably can find some.
*The process does involve fermentation, so I assume it will contain some ethanol still, even if it’s below the threshold for the “non-alcoholic” label, in case that’s an issue for you.
Remember that it’s the loud ones we hear most. If a hundred people just say nothing to avoid awkwardness, a dozen correct you politely and a single one kicks up a fuss, it’s the fuss you will remember.
It’s also easy to take corrections way more personally than they’re intended. Someone saying “It’s they, actually” isn’t an expression of offense, even if it can feel bad to be corrected (because it feels bad to be “wrong”). Compare it to bumping into someone you didnt see, who then goes “watch out” to point out there’s someone in the way – they’re not necessarily upset, just informing you.
And finally, sometimes people are just irritable for whatever reason. They might not usually get offended, but for whatever reason will lash out that one time. To take the analogy of bumping into someone, perhaps their shoulder was already sore.
There certainly are some that do get offended. Some are so upset with the norms people grow up with they end up lashing out at those people instead. Some genuinely lack any understanding or patience for the other side of the issue. Some are just plain entitled. Some are looking for things to be upset at. Assholes exist in just about any sufficiently large grouping of people.
But for most I’ve known, it’s really just about mutual respect, and often there’s a base assumption of respect too. We all know how hard it can be to untrain a habit, and most people don’t want unpleasantness. Don’t let the exceptions get to you.