Spread the word among your meat space influence circle. It’s how it spreads. Remember, the walled garden folks don’t get this info online. They live in a bubble.
Tabanus reinwardtii? The Horsefly?
Correct. However the most popular explanation is that technological evolution outstrips cultural evolution resulting in civilizations destroying themselves before they can attain interstellar travel
And, thank you :)
People love their greath merchants apparently.
“Sam Altman is a merchant of #Greath.”
There are multiple entendres happening in this “ridiculously petty” or “mind numbingly dumb” little meme.
Does it really? Or, do you only look at pictures when you “read.” See my recent response to PugJesus below. You commit the same logical fallacy. Sure, it’s (perhaps) a direct rebuttal to the pictures. But, the meme is more than that if you actually read the words. And, the words are the “argument.”
So, to answer your question: Yes. I understand logical fallacies well. PugJesus “sets up and attacks a position that is not being debated.”
The meme has to do with “ancient tech” vs. “progress.” The pictures could be “old internet” vs enshittified internet. Or, a calculator vs chatGPT. Or, old electric cars vs tech platforms with wheels.
The point being what we often call “progress” is in fact the opposite. You know, the “words” I “actually used” in the meme … vs. the straw man you created.
Theories abound as to why toddlers are more interested in things that “defy expectation.” The bouncier, the more attraction. The shinier, the more the attraction … etc. Marketers know this well and exploit it. We’re not logical — we knee jerk react instead actually thinking about the thing in front of us.
Like assuming, without really thinking about it, that this meme is about glass vs. plastic.
No. It’s about the title. Again, the words I “said.” Which were “The Human Condition.”
Thank you for providing a stunning exemplar of my point.
Is that a “straw man” I smell?
They’re fucking hypocrites. That why it’s been upvoted so much. People detest hypocrisy.
In an ironic twist, the defining characteristic of socialists in America, is also one of the defining characteristics of being American: “Butbutbut … MY socialism is bigger than YOUR socialism.”
Give it a rest people … ORGANIZE!
For a more nuanced discussion of this topic, please see my friend Bjarne Knausgarde’s blog “Notes From Disgraceland.” There, he discusses:
The political subject of late fascism is an updated version of the old one. The industrial worker- citizen, the authorized emblem of post-utopian depoliticized post-war modernity, now appears in the guise of the forgotten men, the non-synchronous people of the political present[10]. He encapsulates the virtues of petro-masculinity: A patriarchal, weapon-carrying and 2 amendment-worshipping male, defined by manufacturing, motoring, his tie to fossil fuel presents a particularly uncomfortable configuration in the light of climate change and urgency for reducing or eliminating dependency on conventional energy sources, which creates an urgency to imagine a new barricaded lebensraum for the heteronormative family protected from the deviant other, which bundles together economic, geopolitical, religious, racial, and genital into a comprehensive crisis of order and allows fascism to emerge as a candidate for its restoration.
Link to the post: https://notesfromdisgraceland.wordpress.com/2024/05/06/fraudulent-ideology-of-fascism-other-tales-of-revolt-against-reason/
And now, in the most (mo)ironic twist ever, they are saying hurricane Helene was intentionally created to lower republican turnout in the election. No, seriously.
“Introspection”??? What are ya some commie professor using nerd words nobody can understand? Move back to Oxford ya daisy sniffer!! 😜
Correct. You’re the loser.