Only if there’s a risk at incriminating yourself, and if it’s not immediately apparent how you’d run that risk (e.g. you’re a witness that doesn’t have a direct relation to the crime at hand) you’d have to motivate how it could be incriminating.
Indie iOS app developer with a passion for SwiftUI
Only if there’s a risk at incriminating yourself, and if it’s not immediately apparent how you’d run that risk (e.g. you’re a witness that doesn’t have a direct relation to the crime at hand) you’d have to motivate how it could be incriminating.
It’s hard to explain without a similar sound existing in English.
The “eu” part in “neuken” and “keuken” is pronounced like the French word for 2: deux.
The ”-ken” end of both words is almost exactly pronounced as the word “cunt” without the t.
“de” is pronounced like “the” but with a “d” sound, like “duh” but not in the exaggerated way you’d do it when you’re mocking someone. And “in” is the same pronunciation as the English one.
So putting that all together, I’d write it out as follows if I’d like to make it pronounceable for an English speaker: “neuxcun in duh keuxcun”
Oh wow, they really closed it down huh?
Not too long ago you were able to change it.
This dumbing things down to prevent customers from fucking themselves over and using up CS resources is getting ridiculous.
Say you need to change some settings but your modem/router isn’t online then you’re SOOL.
Cox, who uses the same gateway, is even worse. They won’t even allow you to enable legacy mode (802.11b) for IoT devices that cheaped out on WiFi cards, not even on a separate network and their customer service can’t enable it either.
I dread moving into a Cox region where there’s no fiber competitor available.