Isn’t that basically what he pitches? To be angry at the system that has, in their minds and from their perspectives, been wronging them? Even though of course people like Trump are a tumour in the system.
He / him
Isn’t that basically what he pitches? To be angry at the system that has, in their minds and from their perspectives, been wronging them? Even though of course people like Trump are a tumour in the system.
Never even knew the original. What was it?
About 25% of the population voted to leave.
Vote, people. Because if you don’t, a minority might choose your future for you. You can avoid politics, but politics won’t avoid you.
This post is incel stuff. There’s no reasoning with people like that.
I have thought about it for a while but the US is basically in a cold civil war, with a significant chance of it becoming hot. And it looks very similar to their previous one. Neither side seem to have a charismatic enough leader.
It’s easy to look over the pond and think it’s none of our problem. But if the US falls to chaos a lot of other countries will follow suit. We can already see this influence in the UK and I’d argue many other EU countries. Russia probably saw this weakness, bet on it worsening much quicker than it did, but lost that bet (so far).
With that said, addressing the US as a whole no longer makes sense. I’m sure plenty, plenty of Americans see what is happening.
It’s unfortunate that one of the wealthiest people on this planet has taken the anti-democratic side, but it’s not the first or the last time in history a powerful man, rich beyond measure has done so.
It’s about which forces act on them. Other than neutrons, every particle here will interact with charged particles (e.g. electrons or protons), which makes it an EM interaction. In the world of particles, EM is long range. Whereas the force that acts on neutrons is very, very short range. There’s no actual touch the way we think of it, outside exotic conditions like in supernovae. Think of the size of a nucleus vs an atom. Those are the two forces keeping them together.
The way concrete stops neutrons is similar to a pinball machine. It doesn’t need to be a solid material, it just needs to be dense. It just so happens that solid materials tend to be denser. But for example, older nuclear reactor designs use water to slow the neutrons.
Btw this is a very clever use of water and by no means dinosaur tech. We just have more clever materials now, e.g. molten salt.
Civil service? Entirely agree.
David Cameron, head of government at the time, was the one who called the Brexit vote. Government isn’t to blame?
The government basically had an American gas station diarrhea moment and the best they could manage on their way out was to use a single toilet paper square on their own arses. Now we still have their crap smears all over the place and it stinks more each day.
That’s not to say people who voted for it aren’t to blame either, but there are multiple parties who contributed to this bomb. Voters, politicians, rich people (especially the media empire moguls).
At current pace we most likely will. But it won’t be cheap, both in terms of resources and lives. But it’s unlikely to end human civilisation.
Keep in mind that being a climate doomer and giving in to hopelessness is pretty much playing in the hands of the ones causing it.
Let’s not forget Liz Truss. She may not have been as good as a lettuce but she was nonetheless.
Does that extend to employer review websites like GlassDoor?
The only immigration Russia wants is a flow of enslaved abductees from Ukraine.
It’s about the same reason why Vulcans got attached to us. They’re a curious species. They didn’t necessarily expect gain other than to satisfy their curiosity. They’d probably have respected lab rats about as much as they respected humans.
But I generally disagree with the OP above you. As far as observations go, the universe seems like a rather lonely place. I don’t think a lot of science fiction is far off. Either from a civilisation looking to make friends or slaves. Both are sensible plots. The uselessness of humanity portrayed in that post seems incorrect and highly pessimistic. Evidence of that is easy enough to find just by looking at the rest of our solar system. We may be far from perfect but for something like us and all other life on earth to be born out of such chaos seems to beat the odds and so far we have no evidence of otherwise.
With that said, I don’t think humans will ever reach a state of perfection. I don’t think our universe allows that. Maybe outside our universe.
It’s okay since the 1s are dimensionless and so is the 3.
An idea I like is a branch of BoE entirely dedicated to create accounts for politicians and their parties where every single transaction is a public record.
The issue with existing banks refusing services to political parties is that established parties have no issue with it. They already have so much money and power that they could be their own bank. This is not the case for new parties. If you think the current two-party system is bad then you should probably consider this lady’s argument.
Are the elders invading again?
The Dragon Ball franchise was mostly a snorefest. Endless fillers. Extremely slow plot progress. Nostalgia is one hell of a drug isn’t it. Even DBZ, which was cherry picked here. And that extends to pretty much everything on that list. As much as I like some of them, I would never be able to sit down and give them my full attention for all their episodes. FMA mayyybe being the exception here.
I can imagine the level of interaction.
Hufman: do this illegal thing for me
Lawyers: no
Huffmen: you’re fired
It makes sense. Reddit will be spending a lot on legal fees. It makes no sense to be working for them in a salaried position.
When you have that much money, does it matter?
Trump and Musk are great examples of being too rich to fall. Once you get to that point, you can fuck the poor as much as you want. The only way for you to fall is to fuck with other powerful people a la that pedo ring leader who was murdered by guards after getting caught.
No cake frosting in the jungle.