That French guy was just trying to butter them up.
You jest, but when the moment comes when you notice you suddenly can’t (can happen with certain conditions), you pray to all the gods you can think of just to be able to take a leak again.
Running With the Bagpipes: A Kevin Costner Saga.
Shit went from Ratthew to Ratstew real quick.
It’s going to be gaymores next.
So anyway, we started blasting.
Well damn, now I want this on my wall as poster.
Thanks for sharing the instructions with folks here. As I said above, I’ve been a traditional wet shaver for two and a half years, so I pretty much know all this. However, wet shaving takes a lot of time for me and for various physical reasons and limitations, I cannot spend a long time shaving. I’ve learned how to speed up the process, but this means sloppier technique and it shows on my skin. At this point I want to give my skin a break by having a short stubble rather than going for BBS (that stands for BaBy Smooth) every single time. 😄 I don’t mean to scare people away from traditional wet shaving, I’m just speaking for myself, who happens to have some motor function problems etc. If you’re fairly “normal”, there should be no reason not to try traditional wet shaving. It’s a treat and something to look forward to every single time.
Wet shaving is still very much a thing; in fact in the last decade or so, it’s had a renaissance of sorts (tho it was probably re-gaining popularity already in the early 00’s). I’ve been a wet shaver for 2.5 years but decided to buy me an electric shaver because these days I have less time for wet shaving. It can done be quickly but what’s the point if you’ve got to rush it. Links for those who got curious:
Where is this? (Sorry, I’m an European, on the edge of the map)
You’ve still got some miles left in you, don’t give up! Unless they’re green, then you’re screwed.
No worries, you can hammer the dents out.
You’ll need long eyeballs to use them, though.
Top left, blinds down, is obviously a vampire.
Barney disapproves of this.