!iso8601@lemmy.sdf.org gang, rise up
Server had been down for about two days but just got it crossposted there, thanks!
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!iso8601@lemmy.sdf.org gang, rise up
Server had been down for about two days but just got it crossposted there, thanks!
If everyone is constantly being accused of genocide all of the time then no one will know when an actual genocide is happening.
If you can do something as simple as compare numbers (a skill taught in elementary school), you can know when genocide is happening, regardless of what other people around you try to weasel about what they believe the term to be.
No, I mean it’s the new / local meme word to shut off conversation. And apparently used pretty much the same way right-wingers use it.
I see calling people “tankies” is the “woke” of the Fediverse.
They’d do it in a heartbeat if people started
thinkingsaying it was a furry thing.
In particular, once women start calling openly them out for being furries , they’ll drop the issue. XD
Now now let’s be fair, at least animal excrement has a direct, practical purpose when put down on the ground.
Fun that you say “turbo fucked” when Turbo was 1.- the first season without Rita in a villain role and 2.- the first seasons where the Rangers canonically lost.
Well at least Chrome is kinda multicolor…
Firefox tho… I can’t recall the last season that had a mammal ranger (it’s usually dinosaurs or vehicles), let alone an orange Ranger.
Issue (A) is bad because it’s essentially CSAM and also because it’s attempting to access a view of someone that the subject likely hasn’t permitted the generator to have access to. This is a privacy violation and the ethics around it are questionable at best.
That part is not a privacy violation, the same way someone drawing in a canvas their own impression of what a bank vault looks like on the inside does not constitute a trespassing / violation of privacy of the bank. Unless the AI in question used actual nudes of them as a basis, but then we wouldn’t need the extra AI step for this to be a problem, right? Otherwise, I’m rather sure that the actual privacy violation starts at (B).
Ofc, none of that makes it less of a problem, but it does feel to me like it subverts a potential angle for fighting against this.
To verify if something is real, we might have to rely on
witness testimonyflagrancy.
FTFY. Witness has never been that good a means to verify something is real.
Poachers don’t do what they do because they’re greedy and hate animals, they do it because they’re poor and have often no other choice but to risk their lives to make a living,
Well, they’re risking their lives, they’re losing them in the gamble. No one owes you winning a gamble.
This is a systematic problem perpetually reinforced by the actual people we should be shooting: the millionaires who hire the poachers
Not saying we don’t, I’m all in for shooting a millionaire myself; but that doesn’t detract from still needing to kill the poachers: we can’t leave the reservoires and wild habitats unguarded merely to kill one or two twitter twats, so the job of millionaire killer we have to give to someone else.
Then perish.