I’d give nearly anything to share a meal/drink/joint with Hidetaka Miyazaki.
Estoy aprendiendo español. Me encantaría practicarlo contigo (y inglés, si necesitas ayudar también).
It certainly is very… yellow. Even so, FNV is the best Fallout game (at least when compared to 3/4/76) imo
Maybe I’ll check out London one of these days
“Who’s going?”
“How many people will be there?”
“How far of a drive is it?”
“What’s parking like?”
“How expensive is it there?”
These are all very important questions.
Are you enjoying FNV? Is it your first time playing it?
They were also dunked on for being “emo”
I drink my coffee either black or with a shit-ton of creamer/milk and sweetener… no in-between.
I also prefer tea to be the latter, minus Earl Grey… it tastes better to me without milk, strangely.
Technically, they just taste like pork, so you might be ok?