Am literally in that situation and thanks to this post I will be going to bed in a moment…
Am literally in that situation and thanks to this post I will be going to bed in a moment…
and eventually, after unlocking “e”, you will be able to add “y” as well.
Aye origins creator; yay just reached the farthest point of knowledge.
Yes I remember that. Also it happened more than once that patients seeking treatment stopped by thinking that previously dismissed hospital resumed operations 😂
Oh Elliot. Such girl, perfect booty
To this day Scrubs still is the show with most hot girls I’ve watched.
Scrubs though. My favourite TV show and my first source of information for sex-related topics during my teenage years as we didn’t really have a pc until later and sex was, and still is, regarded as taboo to my Catholic parents.
I’m thankful this show exists.
I eat up internet’s spam. With no spoon