It’s Apple, their entire business model is making their tech as restrictive as possible and stripping away as much freedom as they legally can. You can’t name a company more power-hungry.
It’s Apple, their entire business model is making their tech as restrictive as possible and stripping away as much freedom as they legally can. You can’t name a company more power-hungry.
hinders the Police’s ability to use that vehicle and protect the community
We’re the ones protecting the community from you filthy pigs
Yes I always leave it closed if it has a tank
“This comment is an NFT and if you screenshot this I will sue your ass without hesitation. Please paypal me 4500 USD if you would like this comment, and don’t mess with me. I got my whole crypto gang on my side. We will fuck you up if you try stealing this comment, so don’t fuck with us.”
Chaotic neutral, except I don’t tuck it
When there’s no internet I head into my file explorer and open up games that I installed a while ago but never played.
if Vine was still here (let alone brought back) it would become just as bad as TikTok. Social medias can have their golden age but they will inevitably turn into shit, vine was simply shut down before its golden age came to an end